Chapter Two- Meeting The Lads... and Sarah

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Chapter Two- Meeting The Lads

My dreams. They were the one place I could escape to. Large meadows of grass and a single tree are usually what consumes my mind at night. The feeling of 3-foot tall grass brush along my arms. The breeze ruffling through my long hair. No cuts nor bruises follow into my dreams. No thoughts of suicide either. Just Harr and I, running away from the hell hole I call my life. I really do hate my life, but Harr makes up for it.

I woke up super early, like 7:30. I took a quick shower, dried and straightened my hair and got dressed. I went downstairs to have a quick breakfast and Harry joined me.

"You excited?" He asked.

"About?" I asked taking a bite of cereal.

"Meeting the lads! Obviously!" He laughed as his phone rang. He put up a finger signalling for me to hold on. He then proceeded to answer his phone. "Hello? Niall! Hey, what's up? Just eating breakfast with my sister. Yeah sure! See you in five. Alright, bye!" He hung up. "Niall's coming over really quick, I'm hopping in the shower, can you let him in?" He asked.

"Sure, Harr." I said.

"Thanks, love." He smiled and skipped to the shower. I laughed and finished my cereal and watched some TV, but really there was nothing on. So I turned it off just as the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and opened it.

"Oh, does Harry live here?" The blond boy asked. He had a beautiful Irish accent which I almost died too.

"Yeah, come in." I said stepping away from the door.

"Thanks." He smiled and took his jacket off and hung it on the coat hanger.

"Harry's in the shower, he should be out any-" I was cut off.


I sighed, "YES HARR." I yelled back, "Sorry." I said to the blond boy, whom I suspect was Niall.

"It's okay." He smiled.

I ran and grabbed Harry a towel from the laundry and ran it to him. I threw the towel into the bathroom and ran back downstairs. But, then I remembered I needed my bracelets and ran all the way back upstairs.

I looked around my room. It all looked too happy. The blue walls with green circles, with my white plush carpet. It reminded me to much of the happy life I had.The one with all the pictures and memories. There was only one place in my room that wasn't happy. The corner where, just last night, I cried, and had cut myself, breaking the 2 months of no harming.In that corner a small section of my carpet was a brownish color, stained from my own blood. The wall, also the same color. I seem to realize the small things. The small things are what keep me alive. Yes, I've tried to kill myself. My closet still is stained a brownish red color from the blood I've lost. The other side of the room is where I tried to over dose on painkillers and muscle relaxers. Each time, Harry always walked in. Always demanding mum take us to the hospital, when she would always say that he should just let me go. Every time I look in either of the three places I can re-live everything. The pain I felt cutting until my arms would go limp, the becoming unconscious and smashing my head into my wooden wardrobe. I feel the physical pain.

I hadn't noticed I was crying until I felt them slide off my cheeks and down my arms. I quickly wiped them away and turned around to see Harry and Niall watching me.

"What's wrong?" Harr asked pulling me into a hug.

I shook my head and apologized. I said that we should get going, they shouldn't be late. Harry just put on a fake smile and we headed to the studio.

I can tell Harry knew exactly what was wrong. He only said all of that because Niall was there. Any other time he would tell me it's all over, that; as long as he's here, it will never happen.

"Ah! There's 2/5 of my boys!" A man said.

"Simon, this is my little sister, Katie. Katie this is Uncle Simon." Harr said.

"Hello." He said with a smile.

"Hi." I smiled back. I honestly wouldn't have imagined Simon like this. On the beginning of X-Factor I thought he was a big douche-bag, but now I take that back.

"Alright boys. You can head on into practice and I will get Sarah and she can hang out with Katie."

"Sarah is Liam's cousin." Harry said as he rubbed my back. I nodded and followed Simon.

He pointed out the rooms, showed me where the restrooms were and everything. He showed me the lunch room, which he would take us to early because the boys tend to eat a lot. "And this is the rec room. That's Sarah." He said pointing to a girl who had blond hair, and amazing green eyes.

"Hi! I'm Sarah." She smiled, "I'm Liam's cousin."

Simon left and it was just us, "Katie, I'm Harry's sister." I smiled back.

"I bet he's a really cool brother?" She said.

"You have no idea," I laughed.

"So, how old are you?" She asked taking a seat in the large bean bag on the floor. I took a seat in one of those bubble chairs that hang from the ceiling.

"Just turned fifteen, you?" I asked swinging a bit.

"Same here!" She laughed. "So, tell me about at home." She laughed, "I bet I should really weird right now!"

"It's fine." I laughed, "Well, Harry is funny. But he really cares about me. Especially since I was thirteen."

"What happened when you were thirteen?" She asked.

I didn't really know if I wanted to tell her, or if I wanted to just say nothing. "It's a long story." I said.

"We've got time, practice is usually until noon." She said. I looked down at Harry's, I mean my iPod and it said 8:00 AM.

"Well, when I was thirteen Harry just started singing, he won a bunch of contests and everything. Our mum was always so proud of him. It got to the point where she really didn't care about me. I'm an amazing student in science, I usually get A's on everything. I would always show her and she would tell me that I needed to do something better with my life like Harry. So, I started cutting myself, and I tried to kill myself. But every time Harry would barge in and find me. He would always tell mum and she would always say to let me go, it was my fault and things like that." I explained, "He's the best brother in the world. I don't care what anyone says."

She looked at me, she stood up and hugged me. It was unexpected but I hugged back.

Sarah and I talked and talked until Simon can in and told us it was lunch time. Even then we talked then. We became best friends in the 3 or 4 hours there.

"Boys! This is my sister, Katie. Katie this is Liam, Zayn, Louis, and as you've already met, Niall."

"Hello!" They all chimed.

"Hi!" I smiled, laughing.

"I see you've met my cousin." Liam said.

"Yupp!" I laughed.

We all ate and then went back home, Sarah came over and was even spending the night, I guess it was because Harr said that Liam needed us to watch over her. But I admit, today was one of the best days in a while.

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