a for amazing

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One more step, and there she was. On stage, singing her lines of the song titled "Alexander Hamilton". It was the day of her broadway début, and as the crowd cheered on her appearance, she was pushed to perform it all as best as she could.

Pippa Soo's angelic voice echoed throughout the theater as she sang, moving around to the choreography given. She was living in the moment.

As the night's performance came to an end, the audience was on their feet, cheering and applauding for the out-of-this-world performance given by the talented company of Hamilton. Pippa couldn't help but get teary-eyed at the sight of her family members looking at her with pride.

She slightly squeezed the hands of the castmates beside her as they took their bow of the night. Leslie, who was on her right, squeezed back, but Lin brought her in for a hug. She was surprised for a moment, not knowing how to react, but she then hugged him back, smiling when she saw him grin.

"You did great tonight. You're such a sooperstar." He said, grinning when she rolls her eyes at his usual punny-ness.

"Thank you, Manuel. You too."

"Don't call me that. You know I don't like it."

She held back a laugh as they walked backstage, people happily squealing at the success of their performance. Without thinking about it, she pecked him on the lips, her eyes widening when she realized that she had done so. Being the friendly guy he is, Lin simply smiled at her before walking off, trying to hide the fact that his face was heating up.

Pippa cursed, turning back to congratulate the others and to distract herself. It was just a friendly kiss, she thought. But all of those thoughts disappeared once she saw her Schuyler sisters coming in to hug her, knowing that the night was truly amazing.

Lin was onstage with The Roots when Pippa went out to take in the view if the city. Lights shone everywhere, from the streets to the tall buildings. The after party was beyond fun so far, but it mostly involved a few sips of alcohol and dancing with the girls of the ensemble. No one was completely drunk knowing that they still have a show the next day, but she was convinced the some of the swings were close.

It was as noisy on the outside as it was in the inside, but it didn't matter to her, because after what she had experienced today, she believed that things will continue to be as great as they were now.

"You good, Pip?"

She turned around to see that the source of the voice was Lin, two drinks in his hands. He offered one to her which she couldn't help but accept.

"Not too shabby. Thanks, Manuel."

"Nope, still don't like to be called that."

She shook her head, giggling at his 'pissed' face. He draped an arm around her before taking a sip of his drink.

"Freestyling with The Roots, huh? How'd that feel?" She asked, turning her head the side to face her pretend husband.

"Amazing. So fucking amazing." He said, downing the rest of his drink before chuckling. "And how about you? Where's that lucky guy who got to have you as a date for tonight?"

"Steven? No, he's not my date. He just came in at the same time I did. I think someone else invite d him."

"Oh, so I guess I'm the lucky guy, huh?"

She fought the urge to flirt back, already embarrassed enough because of the small kiss she had given him earlier. Instead, she laughed it off but moves closer to him, taking a sip of the drink she had.

"By the way," Pippa said, "Tommy said he ordered a surprise for us tonight, right?"

"I won't spill, but yeah. And I have a surprise too."

"Tell me."

"You'll find out later. Relax, Soo. Chill."

"I swear, Lin. If it's another one of your pranks I will—"

She was cut off by the sudden sound of an explosion which made her heart quicken its pace as she held on to Lin. What the hell? she thought, frightened to death until she saw what had caused the sound. Fireworks.

Multi-colored fireworks rose up into the sky and exploded, the many dots of light spreading across the sky. Her smile widened as she watched each firework, so pleased with what she believed was the director's surprise.

"This is amazing, Lin!" She squealed, her eyes lighting up as the sight of it all. She was flooded with happiness. She loved fireworks.

"I have to agree. This," he pulled her body closer to his, their lips inches apart, "This is what really is fucking amazing."

Their lips met for what probably was the hundredth time that day, but both couldn't be any happier.

"Surprise," he whispered, smirking.

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