Chapter 5

14 4 0

5 months later

Yuki's POV

Yuki: "This is really boring"

Hitaki: "Why don't we go somewhere, we do have some time off before we start training again"

Yuki: "What happened again exactly?"

Yuu: "You don't remember? Ai blew up half of the academy trying to kill Akira. But no one got hurt"

Ai: "It was his fault"

Yuu: "You started it"

Ai: "I guess so"

Hana: "Yuki baby!"

Yuki: "What's up?"

Hana: "I missed you Yuki"

Yuki: "I miss you too Hana"

Everyone except Ai and Akira: "awwww"

Ai: "Disgusting"

Akira: . . .

Akane: "You guys are so sweet"

Hana: "Thanks"

Yuki's classmates: "Yuki!"

They said running at Yuki

Yuu: "You got yourself quite a handful huh?"

Yuki: "Not again"

Hana: "Stay back! Yuki is mine!"

???: "I thought he was mine!"

???: "No he's mine!"

Yuki: "I'll just go"

Yuki starts sneaking out of the room

Ai: "Oh no you don't"

Ai grabs Yuki by the wrist

???: "He's escaping! After him!"

All the girls chase Yuki around the field

Yuki: "Stop!"

Yuki shouted

Yuki: "Alright this is getting out of hand"

Yuki: "Do you all like me?"

Hana and the girls: "Yes!"

Yuki: "ooh boy"

Yuki: "Can I pick who I want?"

???: "Pick me!"

Hana: "Me Yuki!"

Yuki: "I love Hana"

Hana: "Ha! He's mine!"

Yuki: "There's a lot more guys in the world than just me"

???: "But I like you!"

Yuki: "I already love someone. You just have to find someone other than me"

After dealing with all the girls Yuki goes back to his friends

Yuu: "You're really lucky"

Yuki: "So do you guys wanna go somewhere?"

Yui: "Lets go to the beach"

Ai: "Lets go to a buffet"

Akira: . . .

Hitaki: "How about the beach?"

Yuu: "I know exactly where to go"

Yuki: "Where?"

Yuu: "The hot springs"

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