Hitaki's POV
Hitaki: "What kind of quest did you guys pick?"
Yuu: "An escort quest"
Hitaki: "Who are we escorting?"
Yuu: "I don't know. Maybe some rich dude in town"
Hitaki: "Where do we escort him?"
Yuu: "Probably 4 villages north"
Hitaki: "What!? Thats so far though"
Yuu: "The reward money is a lot"
Hitaki: "How much?"
Yuu: "A million"
Hitaki: "Okay then. Come on guys lets go! I want that money"
Ai: "Don't we all?"
Hitaki: "I guess"
-Some Time Passes-
Yuu: "This is so cool. We're actually on horses right now"
Hitaki: "Okay. This quest is boring"
Yui: "We haven't even reached the first village yet"
Akira: "We just started the quest like 5 minutes ago"
Hitaki: "5 minutes? It feels like forever. There's nothing to fight"
Hichakara: "I sense monsters coming from the west. Wait what? They're gone"
A large explosion can be seen from the distance
Yuu: "Took care of them"
Hitaki grabs Yuu by the collar
Yuu: "Do you really wanna stop just to fight or get the money as quickly as possible?"
Hitaki lets go of Yuu's collar
Yuu: "Sweet! Level 52 babeh. What should I upgrade? Oh yeah, my explosion skills"
Yui: "What level is your explosion skill on?"
Yuu: "Level 45"
Ai: "What else?"
Yuu: "Level 7. Its a skill where I use only lesser mana than normal when I use my Explosion skill"
Hitaki: "Aren't you like too over powered?"
Yuu: "Of course I am"
Yui: "But he still can't fight one-on-one thou-"
Yuu covers Yui's mouth with his right hand
Yuu: "SHUSH! Why'd you have to say that?"
Yui removes Yuu's hand from her mouth
Yui: "Well its true isn't it? What about when a Barbarian runs at you? What will you do then?"
Yuu: "Make him blow up before he even reaches me"

Dear Fantasy
FantasyEnglish isn't my first language so please try to understand and enjoy the story ^~^