Part 7

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Bucky's POV

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Bucky's POV

It had been days, days, since he last held you in his arms. Heard you laugh. Felt your warmth. The last time he had seen you had terrified him. You weren't who he remembered. There was no emotion to your voice, no expression on your face. You had been like an ice sculpture, perfectly frozen, and he had done that to you. His words, his actions, had done that to you. He was disgusted with himself.

He had betrayed the woman he had loved to be with Natalia, a woman his warped mind had told him he needed to feel normal. To feel loved. He couldn't pinpoint the moment where he felt that (Y/N) no longer held him together. That your heart and love wasn't enough for him, and he detested himself.

You had left because of him. He had run you off, and he didn't know if you were coming back. A knock on the door has him moving forward in a daze. He had little desire to speak with anyone, and no desire to hear another round of accusations thrown at him. They were all true accusations. He just didn't need them to tell him again what a fuckup he was.

Turning the handle and swinging the door open reveals a very teary eyed Natasha. He groans inwardly, Not now. He couldn't deal with her and his own guilt at the same time.

"Bucky," she sniffles. "Can I come in?"

He steps aside, nodding his agreement but leaves the door ajar, not needing the repercussions if someone thinks they're picking up where they'd left off. "What do you want, Natalia?" He sighs when her pleading eyes lift to his.

"You," she replies simply.

Thrusting a hand through his hair, Bucky's frustration with her keeps growing. "I know," he says, "But I made a mistake. We made a mistake. I know I'm hurting you, Nat, but I can't do this anymore."

"She isn't here anymore! She abandoned you. I'm here, I want you," she purrs moving toward him.

"No, Natalia," he says, grabbing her wrists when she tries to touch him. "She left because we made her. Her boyfriend and her best friend went behind her back and betrayed her trust. This is our fault!" he roars.

She flinches at the volume, shame coating her features. In a small voice she asks,"What are you going to do?"

Taking a moment to think, he sighs, "I'm going to get her back." There was no other choice. Letting her go, screwing things up in the first place, was the stupidest mistake he'd ever made. Though Natasha's eyes were full of tears, she gave an understanding nod as he walked out the door.

Making his way to the kitchen he finds Steve. Things had been strained between the two of them since (Y/N)'s abrupt departure. Steve knew what had happened, and Cap was not happy with Bucky. Loyalty was everything to a man like Steve. The fact that he had been able to betray his best girl... Bucky didn't blame the man for looking at him like he was.

"Hey, Punk," he greets, receiving a disinterested grunt in reply. Bucky sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. This could be harder than he thought. "Look, Stevie, I really need your help."

Steve lays down the newspaper he was reading and looks up at Bucky. "What could you possibly need my help with? Got someone else on the team to stab in the back?" he grits out between clenched teeth.

He flinches, the words harsh and cold, coming at him in Steve's Captain America voice. A tone which once would have never been directed his way. There's nothing he can do but push on, because without Steve on his side, he'll never get you back. "I need to find her, Steve. I screwed up big time. Please!" he pleads.

Cold blue eyes regard him for a long moment before Steve kicks out a chair. "We are going ta need ta talk ta Tony. And you ain't exactly his favorite person right now."

Bucky only nods. He wasn't exactly anyone's favorite person right now.

Your POV:

You had spent your morning sparring against Logan. It felt good working on your muscles, being able to do anything but think. By focusing only on the movement, when your opponent was going to attack next, how they moved, and what their abilities were, the voices were quietest then. Your mind became completely devoid of thought.

Charles had been trying to pick at the wall, steadily pulling out genuine reactions. You had smiled when a nervous Logan had brought you, your favorite burger and a bottle of Whiskey, asking if you would like to have dinner. It was sweet. A remnant of the early days of a relationship long past.

You had felt the lingering hurt of it then. He was your first, well, everything really, and he had fallen hard for another woman, leaving you behind. It had bled into your relationship with Bucky, your insecurities marring most of your time together. But here he was, The Wolverine, trying his best to make amends for past hurts, showering you in attention. Doing his damndest to bring you back to yourself. For the sake of Logan, you were trying to glue the pieces of your broken psych back together.

You had no idea what his intentions toward you were. If he wanted to try again, your heart wasn't ready for that. But you couldn't bring yourself to distance yourself from him entirely. Logan was your anchor to reality, but, if you were honest with yourself, you were still head over heels for Bucky Barnes.

You doubt that you will ever get over him. The emotions hidden behind that solid wall were too big, too intense, too... everything to simply walk away from, but try was all you could do. Even when it felt as if you were suffocating under the weight of other people's expectations.

They looked at you and saw her. Saw Jean. Saw a woman on the brink of breaking. You should be better than Jean, stronger. The weight of her trauma and grief had ultimately led to her destruction, and you were more than aware that you were heading down the same path.

You were determined not to let Bucky's betrayal morph you into a darker, more twisted version of yourself. Because, if you did... there was no one in this world that would have the power to stop you.

Decision made you head to Logan's quarters. Knocking on the door you wait for him to answer. When he finally appears, you plaster on your biggest smile,stroll into his bedroom, and plop yourself onto his bed. You grin cheekily at him. "So, wolfy," you bite playfully. "What are we doing tonight?"

He smirks at you, that signature Logan grin. "I didn't know we had plans, darlin'," he drawls, causing your grin to widen. His expression turns to one of mild panic.

"C'mon, old man. What will it be?" You laugh at the scandalized look on his face. "Booze and broads?" you say, holding up a finger. "Or booze, pizza, and trashy horror movies?" you ask, adding three more fingers.

He studies you thoughtfully for a few moments before finally breaking into another wolfish grin. "Booze, pizza, and trashy horror movies it is," he says, reaching for his phone.

Yeah. You were going to try.

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