Part 18

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Bucky POV

He had dragged you to the only remaining building after he had set his leg, his super soldier healing kicking in as soon as the bone was set. You were a mess. Bits of debris stuck in the little flesh you had left. Your silky (H/C) hair all but gone.

He couldn't bear to look at you, the gnawing guilt suffocating him. You had stayed for him, sacrificed yourself for him. Stray tears leaking out of his eyes, he sets to work on getting the rebar out of your chest.

It had gone straight through your heart, killing you instantly. He was amazed at the beating you had taken. Bracing himself against the wall of the building, he gets a firm grip on the metal and pulls. The rebar comes loose with a sickening crunch, josling your marred body with the force. He gags, then composes himself. He needs to find water to wash the dirt out of your wounds. He knows it's a futile exercise, you're gone, but some part of him is holding onto hope.

He ventures into the destroyed terrain, marveling at the power you held. This was his fault. He had let his jealousy and insecurities push you away from him. He had forced you to leave your home, your family because he couldn't figure out what was happening in his own min. A wrecked sob forces itself out of his throat, welcoming the pain in his leg as a distraction. He spots a little pond and digs around his many pockets for a canteen. Dipping the bottle into the water, he returns to where he left you, stunned by what he finds.

Your flesh is slowly knitting together, your body desperately trying to repair the damage inflicted upon it. It's a slow process but it gives him hope. Hope that you would indeed make it through, that you were still alive. Hope that when all this was over he could hold you in his arms once more and make it right, fix his past mistakes, and repair your fractured relationship.

He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he had to try. He owed it to you to try.

Bending down he rips a piece of his shirt off and dips it into the water, gently running the cloth over the deeper wounds, removing any dirt that remains in them. He gently trickles water between your chapped lips, watching as you swallow with a low moan, fingers twitching at the coolness of it. He smiles. You were going to pull through this. He would have another chance. You groan again, lips forming words, but he can barely hear you. Straining his senses he leans lower finally hearing, "I'm sorry" and "Run". His heart sinks. You must be reliving the mission, a dream that is obviously causing you distress. "(Y/N)," he murmurs. "Wake up darlin'," he says.

You squirm briefly before settling. Your deformed hand reaching for his.

"Logan," you whisper, eyelids fluttering.

His heart plummets into his stomach. Of course she would be calling for him, he had seen the scene play out before Steve and Colossus had forced him onto the plane. It sends jealousy roaring through him. Jealousy he has no right to.

"I'm here," he whispers, trying to reassure you. "I'm right here, darlin'. I ain't going anywhere," he says as the tears flow freely.

He's trying his best not to loose it, not to give in to the whirling emotion in his head. He's trying to wrap his mind around the fact that you did survive, that you were here, that you were going to be okay, but that he had screwed up so badly that he never stood a chance.


Your voice thick with panic, your arms flailing. He tries his best to hold you down, your heartbeat erratic in your chest. He grits his teeth, making vague shushing noises, trying to pierce the veil of sleep. "Wake up, (Y/N)!" he yells. You still briefly, before your back arches off the floor, eyes flying open briefly before you let out a blood curdling scream that sends chills down his spine. He's never heard anything like it. The words so mangled with pain and heartbreak that it nearly tears him in two.

The two word you keep repeating over and over:

"Logan! Run!"

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