Part 11

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Waking up alone, Logan nowhere to be found, has your heart plummeting

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Waking up alone, Logan nowhere to be found, has your heart plummeting. He had obviously snuck out during the night, leaving you to deal with the aftermath of the previous evening.

Conflicting emotions raged inside you, hurt being most prevalent among them. You resign yourself to the stunning realization that you were, once again, betrayed by a man for whom you had feelings. Shame coats your insides as you make to get out of bed.

You freeze when a grumbling Logan throws open the bedroom door, carrying a tray of breakfast foods. Momentarily stunned, you gape at him. He smirks at your stunned face.

"Close your mouth you're gonna attract flies," he chuckles, smiling widely.

"You brought me breakfast?" you ask in wonder.

"Well.. ya. You had a day yesterday an I thought.." he trails off when anger flares in his eyes. "You didn't think I'd run out on ya, did ya?"

"You were gone when I woke up. It wouldn't be the first time, Logan." You remind him gently.

"Are ya fucking kidding me (Y/N)? I thought we were past that!"

Wrapping the sheet around yourself, you rip it from the bed and get to your feet. "Past it? Past you abandoning me for another woman? Or past the fact that you did it two weeks after you proposed?" Tears welling in your eyes, you swipe at them angrily. "No, Logan! I'm not past it. I'm angry and confused. I don't know what you want from me!" Exasperated, you sink back down on the bed.

Logan sets down the tray on the dresser and takes a seat beside you. Running a hand through his hair, he sighs. "I know ya don't trust me to not hurt ya again, but I'm not the same man I was. All I want is a chance to do it right. Make things right. I'll do anything for ya. I just want a chance."

Biting your lower lip, you contemplate your next words carefully. "I'm not over Bucky, Logan." His shoulders stiffen slightly so you take his hand, needing him to listen before he reacts. "But I want to be. I don't know what I'm feeling right now, but I know that I feel something for you, and I want to try. You're good for me. You keep me grounded."

He stares at you for what feels like an eternity.

"You don't trust me," he states matter of factly, "an that's alright. I'm gonna prove ya wrong." He squeezes your fingers. Bringing them to his lips, he places a gentle kiss on your knuckles before getting up to collect the tray with breakfast. "Now eat. You have to face the others eventually."

Sighing, you resign yourself to the fact that you are going to have to deal with Bucky and Natasha. It was time to clear the air.

Leaving Logan to his own devices, you exit the room in search of the team. You had to apologise for losing control, for scaring them, for hurting them. It was a slippery slope you were on, and you had to rein in the darkness that was threatening to overwhelm you.

You are so deep in thought, you don't see Bucky standing in front of you. Walking straight into his muscled chest with a faint 'oomph' he grabs your arms to steady you, concern painting his face.

"Are ya alright?" he asks checking you for injuries.

"I'm fine, are you?" you reply, noting his bandaged shoulder and the various scrapes on his face.

"I'm alrigh'. Can we talk?" he asks.

Nodding, you follow him to your once shared bedroom. Pictures of you still coat the walls.

"Are ya with him?" he asks, tone laced with steel.

You snap your attention to him. "I don't know," you answer truthfully.

"Do you.." he clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "Do you love him?"

You take in his appearance. Dark circles around his eyes, shoulders slumped in defeat. "I don't know," you reply a second time. "It's complicated."

A look of relief flits across his face. "Do you love me?" he asks, hope shining in his eyes.

"Yes, James, I still love you." The smile that graces his face is beautiful to behold, but you harden your heart against it. "But that does not mean we can be together. Trust is a fickle thing. It takes years to build and a second to destroy."

His smile slips off his face. "I can make it right! I know I can!"

You sigh. Picking up a photo depicting you and Bucky staring lovingly at each other, you show it to him. "No, James, you can't. I may love you. I may want you. I may even miss you, but this was over long before you decided that Natasha was who you wanted." Setting the photo down, you wipe at your eyes before continuing. "You chose not to confide in me. You chose to shoulder whatever was going on in your mind by yourself. You chose the comfort of another woman over me. That was the single most painful thing I have ever experienced. You were my one, the person I relied on, and you shattered me. There's no coming back from that."

Tears stream down his face as he begs, "Please. Please don't do this."

Feeling your heart break all over again, you turn to leave. "I'm sorry, Buck, but it's over. You and I... are over," you say as you make your way to the door.

"No!" he yells, grabbing you by the arm and yanking you to him. "No," he repeats gently, burying his face in your hair, taking in deep breaths like he needs you to breathe. "Don't leave me, not again," he sobs into your hair.

Pushing him gently away from you, you run a finger over his cheek, through the tears that mirror the ones on your own. "I'm sorry, Buck. But for the sake of my sanity, it's over. It's done. I can't be with you anymore." You walk away as he watches you leave.

Disbelief and anguish surround him in a thick fog that has you choking. 

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