Chapter 1- The Girl

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<POV- EnderIris>

"Phil! Quit playing around!" I yelled at him.

He stopped in his tracks, turning his head toward me. His coon hat's tail whipped about as he did so.

"SssTSSsst," he said to me.

"There will be plenty of pigs to chase when we get there, but for now, we need to keep going. They could find us any-"

"Well, well, well... If it isn't EnderIris..." a wicked voice vainly used my name.

"Rick..." I turned around, seeing he had several of his "goons" with him. "After our last encounter, I doubted you would want to even try following me."

"I've killed hundreds of Ender Dragons in my life, most of which took several tries. What makes you think I'd give up on destroying you, the last of the Ender race, as well?" he grinned like the scoundrel he is.

"SSSSSSTT!!!" Phil hissed defensively.

"Aww look, the baby creeper wants to play!" one of the goons mocked at him. They all began to grin and laugh with him.

"I don't have time for this," I turned, beginning to walk away. "Come on Phil."

Phil backed up, still watching the jerk with his posse. He eventually turned around, and continued walking on my left.

"Put 'er down..." I heard mumbled behind me.

A split second before an arrow hit the back of my head, I whipped around, catching the arrow in my hand. I split the arrow in half by clenching my fist. I then dropped the arrow, and caused Ender particles to start swirling around me.

The hunters got ready to charge, and eventually did. On the far left, one ran with an axe. In the middle, up front, Another had a heavy, iron sword. On the right, a fairly huge guy ran with his big hammer.

I waited until they got about three feet in front of us, then I grabbed Phil and teleported us on top of a tree not too far away.

The guy with the heavy sword swung it down in an effort to get me before I teleported away.

I looked at the hill side, then raised my arms up, lifting a dozen or so dirt blocks into the air. I then hurled them at the three goons, crushing them under the weight. I made sure they were still alive, but hurt enough to not want to come after me again. After Rick and his other goons took several shots at me with their bows, I teleported Phil just behind them.

Rick heard Phil's hissing, but turned around too late; Phil exploded, sending the four or five of them flying forward.

I returned Phil to my side, then we continued walking through the forest. Seeing none of them had followed me, I caused a portal to appear in the ground in front of me by sending Ender particles all around. I looked around to make sure no one was watching. Just when I thought we were safe, I had Phil go in first. I was about to jump in, when Rick came out of nowhere, tackling me towards the open portal.

He hit so hard that I hit my head on the hard, obsidian border of the opposite side portal. I grabbed for the edge, my head spinning and ears ringing. With blurred vision, I shot an energy blast of Ender particles at Rick, knocking him back. Then I slipped into the portal, and into darkness.


<POV- Narrator>

On the other side of the portal was another server, and Phil awaited his Ender friend there. She suddenly fell through the portal, which deactivated moments later. The sun was setting on this new server. Phil ran up to his unconscious master, nudging her limp body with his head.

"SSsst?" he hissed her name at her. He snuggled up next to her, waiting for her to revive somehow.

Suddenly, an Enderman appeared. It walked up to Iris, bending down to check the cut on her head.

"Rrrei err (what happened)?" it asked Phil.

"St ssssSst (I don't know)," Phil replied.

The Enderman gently picked her up, then he and Phil walked towards a thin patch of trees. The Enderman built a shelter, then departed after placing her on the bed.

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