Chapter 7- Home defense

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!Warning! Freak Factor Chapter
You been warned...

<POV- ?????>

"Sir! I've managed to pick up energy readings similar to that of our passed records!" the brain of our operation, Nick, said to me.

"Good work! Where exactly is the anomaly located?" I asked.

"It appears to be within a cluster of islands. I think we may have found what we're looking for!"

"Excellent! It's been a while old friend. Too long..." I said aloud but to myself.

Our glider soared through the air swiftly. This is perhaps the greatest invention our people have crafted. Truly a queen of the skies.
(Lol random excerpt xD)

<POV- Michael>

"Well! Here it is! The home of Nishten!" Arram exclaimed joyfully.

It was a lovely sight to see. It looked like a small mansion, yet simple and quiet. It was composed of decorated sandstone as well as carved stone. The wood and timbers making up the roof were neatly designed with etches and even intricate termite tunnelings.

"Amazing..." I trailed off, staring in awe.

"Yes, right? I am happy that I have been able to keep it well, as well as my father and grandfather before me. It has been in our care for many generations," Arram explained proudly.

We walked inside, and I got the grand tour.


<POV- Narrator>

"Prepare the boats! We head ashore in ten minutes!" Joash ordered the men.

"When the cannons are in range," Rick spoke quietly with his second in command. "We take the ship. Cut down anyone who resists, got it?"

"Yes sir. I shall spread the word," he replied, then clambered away.

Hiding under the plank staircase, Ronin heard the plan. No one, not even Joash was aware he was even on the ship.

Michael and Arram were standing in the house's dining room, which was as specially designed as the outside of the house. Michael was leaning on the table, and Arram was sitting down on the opposite side. Michael looked up suddenly, glancing out the window as they talked. He noticed something.

"Whoa, what the..." he exclaimed.

"What?" Arram turned in his chair to look behind himself, out the window. He then pushed himself up and out of his seat. They both walked over to the window, staring at the ship that Joash and Rick and their men were on.

Suddenly, a loud but deep sounding horn rang from the village's direction. At the sound, Arram turned pale.

"What? What does that mean?" Michael asked.

"It's the warning horn..." Arram turned to Michael. "We're under attack!"

Michael's eyes widened. "Joash!" he yelled to himself. "We need to get back to the village!"

At the village, everyone was grabbing supplies, their loved ones, and some possessions. Though there wasn't many inhabitants, the village was wild with men, women and children running about.

"Iris!" Michael yelled.

Phil suddenly appeared.

"Phil!" Michael caught the hysterical creeper's attention. "Where's Iris?"

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