The day Naruto becomes Hokage

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The village was trying to rebuild itself after the attack from pein . Naruto had gotten a lot of recognition the past few days . Said hero was now walking on the streets ,hands in his pockets ,head down in thought . He looked up when he heard the occasional ' Your awesome Naruto ' thing . He'd been getting that a lot after he defeated pein .
The village was rebuilding itself nicely ,their were tents for people to sleep in at night and a huge campfire at night where everyone would gather around and have a laugh . In a way pein did bring some peace to the village .

That's all he really. Spoke of peace and pain and not being able to understand others pain .

Naruto thought back to his battle a few days ago and narrowed his eyes at the thought of it .

Flash back

Naruto stood metres away from pein trying to think up a strategy .His thoughts were interrupted when pein used his jutsu the ' mighty pull ' and attracted Naruto like metal to a magnet .
Naruto flew forward toward him, chest first and his legs and arms hanging behind him .
Pein immediately grabbed Naruto's neck and slammed him to the ground .
Black poles came out of the sleeves of his cloak and he stabbed them into Naruto .
Naruto was pinned on his stomach to the ground with his hands outstretched forward . His hands were on top of each other and had one of the metal rods going through them both and firmly planted into the ground .

Naruto lay on the ground not moving his body. Afraid to feel the shock of pain . Pein walked forward so that Naruto was looking up at him from his position . Naruto couldn't see much of his face because of the sun behind him . All he could see of peins face was his beady purple eyes staring down a him .

Naruto didn't like the fact that he was being looked down on so he gave him a look that said what he was thinking .
" You are a fool " He began to talk which shocked Naruto a bit, he quickly regained his composure.
" You do not understand pain, so you do not know how to give it " he said raising his arms and bending them in a 90° angle .
" I understand enough ,I understand that your destroying my village ,my home and thats-" Naruto got cut off when pein spoke over him .
" No you don't , you might think you do but you don't . Let me explain to you " he said crouching down lower . Now Naruto could see his face clearly with all the piercings on it.
" Pain is a cycle . A full circle that never stops , no matter how hard you try the pain arch will never stop . Look at the villages they might act like they are at peace but they are not . If you kill me then the Akatsuki will simply start a war against all the nations . That will be the biggest pain " he said walking around Naruto and taking a seat on his back as if he was a chair .
" Look I get it, I understand you felt a lot of pain as a kid and I-" once again Naruto got cut off by him .
" No you do not understand my pain ,for you cannot understand another's pain until you have lived through their pain. . ."

End of flashback

He hated to admit it but pein was right about what he had said that day . Naruto's mind drifted off to what Sasuke said all those years ago .

Another flashback

Naruto stood metres away from Sasuke with the nine-tails chakra surrounding him .
" Sasuke what do you think your doing ?" Naruto asked him in a demonic voice .
" I'm doing what must be done " he said swinging his arm across in front of himself .
" Now. . . GET OUT OF MY WAY !!" he yelled tuning towards Naruto with the instinct to kill .
Naruto and Sasuke engaged fists .
" You don't understand me and you NEVER WILL !!" Sasuke shouted the last bit .
" Your wrong !!" Naruto shouted a little quieter than Sasuke.
He punched him in the face sending him flying and then hopped after him .

" I understand your pain Sasuke I lost my parents as well but this isn't the way " He said pining Sasuke to the ground.
" Yours and my pain is different ,YOU WERE ALONE FROM THE START . But me I had parents and I watched them get murdered right in front of my eyes . You don't understand anything of my pain so don't try act like you do " he said grabbing Naruto by the neck and kicking him away.

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