lust and desire

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No ones P.O.V

Naruto , Hinata, Mei, Shikamaru, Choujuro, Ao, Temari, Gaara and Kankuro all decided to stop and rest at a nearby inn.

They all walked to the receptionists desk to check in to their inn rooms.
There were nine of them but only 5 rooms left so people had to partner up.

1. Naruto with Kankuro
2. Hinata with Shikamaru
3. Mei with Temari
4. Ao with Choujuro
And finally
5. Gaara by himself

They all got their stuff settled in their rooms and left because the night was still young. They walked down to the pub and sat by a table.

" One bottle of sake please " the Misukage ordered and then focused her attention on Naruto again.
" Sake ,are you sure that's wise ?" Naruto asked staring at the gang of people.

" Yes lady Misukage ,some of these kids here can't drink " Ao said.
" You call me a kid but I can kick your ass " Naruto said and smiled his signature smile. Ao suddenly became quiet after that remark.
The bottle of sake arrived and people began to drink except Hinata ,Naruto and Choujuro.
The Misukage stared back at Naruto as he drank his water.
" Naruto honey try some sake " She offered him the bottle in her hand.
" No thanks ,I'm fine with water " he said nodding his head.
" Ha ! Wimp " Kankuro said and took another gulp of sake.
" So Naruto tell us about yourself " the Misukage asked him taking a sip of her sake, slowly becoming drunk.
" Me... " Naruto said. He didn't particularly like talking about his life story to people.
" Yes you stupid " Temari said already drunk.

All eyes were on the blonde male at the table. They all stared at him except Shikamaru who was more focused on his drink.

Naruto huffed then took a swig of his water.
He finished the cup then slammed it onto the table.
" Well...let's see where do I start ?" He asked himself in discomfort.
" Just get on with the story !" Ao shouted at him.
" Ok well...when...on the day I was born was the day the kyuubi attacked the village. My father was the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze and my mother was the junchuriki of the nine-tails before me ,Kushina Uzumaki  And they both gave their lives trying to protect the village. Just before they died my father sealed the kyuubi inside of me. After that I ended up in an orphanage " he looked away from there faces and instead at his empty cup.
" But no one wanted to adopt me cause they thought I was some demon. Just because I had a demon inside of me they thought I was just as bad as the demon. That's why every year on my birthday they used me around the village and beat me, stab me, burn me, you name it. They did it all to me. And everyone used to blame me for my fathers death. When I was 3 years old they kicked me out the orphanage so I became homeless. Then the third Hokage came and gave me a home " he began to feel sad listening to his own life story " the reason why they kicked me out the orphanage was because they realized...that nobody wanted a demon child. Even my caretakers at the orphanage used to hit me for no reason. Anyway once I got a home things didn't change much. The villagers still hated me. Then one day on my birthday I went to the park at night and then a women with red hair walked out the forest. I thought she was gonna beat me or stab me like the others but she didn't. She hugged me and said happy birthday to me and that lady was..."

" Your m-mother " Hinata said.

" Ya my mother. Then that's when I realized, I want that kind of affection from people. That's when I decided to become the Hokage. It became my dream, my goal. Then one day I joined the ninja academy. All the kids used to call me a loser and I never made any friends..." He looked towards the waiter and called her over to give him more water.
" You never had one friend ?" Choujuro asked with sadness in his voice.
" Nope , my whole life I never had friends " Naruto said and drank his water.

" Then I became dead last in the academy. I sucked at everything because I never had a mother and father to train me. Then that's when I started pulling pranks to get peoples attention, ya know. Then the villagers started hating me more, if that was even possible. Then I met Sasuke Uchiha and he became my rival and soon after when I became a genin he became my teammate. Me and him stayed rivals. I used to have a crush on the is girl with pink hair named Sakura but she was in love with Sasuke so it didn't work out. We were team 7.
Me ,Sasuke ,Sakura and Kakashi sensei " he said and cracked a smile.

" Wait Kakashi, as in Kakashi of the sharingan ?" Choujuro asked.
Naruto simply nodded and took another sip of water.
" Yep we were great. Then I met a man called Jiraya, one of the legendary sanin and he became my master. Then came the chunin exams and Sasuke got attacked in the forest of death by lord Orochimaru, and he passed the curse mark onto Sasuke. Then in the third rounds I surprised the villagers by defeating Neji Hyuga. Sasuke had to fight Gaara but he lost. After that the hidden sand and sound attacked the village. And I defeated Gaara while he was in the one tail state. After that I went on a journey with Jiraya to find the next Hokage because the third died in an attempt to save the village " he took a big gulp of water.

" Then when I came back I found out Sasuke had changed. There was something different about him. He kept picking more and more fights with me, until one night he attempted to leave the village. The girl Sakura spotted him but he knocked her out before she could tell anyone. The next day we went on a mission to retrieve Sasuke. I made a promise to Sakura that I'd bring Sasuke back.
And I failed the first time round. The first time round me and Sasuke got into a fight in the final valley. He used the power of the curse mark I used the power of the nine-tails only using one tail.
I lost though. My raesengan lost to his chidori. After all that I ended up in hospital.
Then after I was all patched up I went on a journey with Jiraya and trained with him for two and half years. Then I came back...and I met my old friends again. Then blah blah blah I went on missions and stuff. Then I found out that Jiraya was dead " he looked away and shut his eyes trying to stop tears.

They all gasped except Shikamaru and Hinata, they knew this.
" And I found out pein killed him. So I went to
Mount Miyaboku and trained to defeat him. Then I fought him and won, then I became Hokage and the story leads up to the present " Naruto said and finally looked at them all. Everyone except Gaara, Shikamaru and Ao had tears in their eyes.
They were all crying at his sad story.
" Uh, let's go to bed " he said and took the bottles away.

They each walked to their rooms feeling a little more down than when they left their rooms.

Suddenly there was a knock on Hinata and Shikamaru's room...

Naruto P.O.V

My life story made everyone so sad.
Is it that sad ?

I got out of my room with my bags because Kankuro was annoying me.
I walked to Shikamaru's room.
I knocked on the door and Shikaku answered the door.
" Ya what's up Naru-" I cut him off by speaking.
" Me and you are swapping rooms " I said and walked into his room. He was confused but just did it anyway.
" Anyways who's your roommate-" I was about to ask but I heard a soft ,sweet voice.
I turned to see Hinata standing there in her night gown.
" N-Naruto-kun wh-where's Shikamaru ?" She asked standing with her hands to her chest.
" Oh me and him are swapping roommates " I said and put my bags down. I looked back at Hinata and her face was red.

" Are you ok ?, your face is red " I stated and walked closer to her.
I put my hand onto her forehead and she shook it off.
" N-No, I'm fine Na-Naruto-kun " She said and got onto the bed.
I shrugged it off and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I came back I found out that the lights were out.
There was a mat on the floor. Obviously Shikamaru offered to sleep on the floor.
I'm not too keen on sleeping on the floor though.

I crept to the other side of the bed and got under the covers.
" Goodnight Hinata " I said and I could see her body tense up a bit.
I shrugged it off and went to sleep.

Naruto The Rokudaime Sixth Hokage Where stories live. Discover now