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OMG hiiii is be Meghan, my depression is so bad, it got me to the point of cutting and now I can't stop uge, but here's an update my beautiful people vote comment and love it!



Niall P.O.V

The rock had a line on it, but not an ordinary line, it looks like it go struck by lighting.

" Umm mate, I guess she wasn't alone either" Liam says looking at the ground.

"Fox tracks?" I ask.

" Yeah, but a fox hybrid, though, four fox hybrids"

Your kidding right? Really? more people I have to deal with. Urg.

"Well Isn't this just fun" I say

Note the sarcasm


Diana P.O.V

I've been walking for ages! how the hell do I get out of here?!

I feel like I've being watched. God if it's those hunter people, I will cut them.

I keep walking, little fastener then normal.

All of a sudden. The bushes start to shake.

"If you are the hunters! bitch I am not afraid to cut you!" I scream

" Why do you think that I'm a hunter?" I hear a voice say, a vary think Australian accent.

Then I see a fox come out of the bushes. Then three more come out.

"And who might be you?" I ask

I point to the one with dirty blond fur.

" I'm Aston, and who might be you?" Aston asked

" Diana" I answer back

"Ooo I knew a Diana!... but she's dead now.. oh I'm Michael" the fox with black and red fur.

"Oh I'm Calum" the fox with black fur says

" Luke" the blond fox muffles in.

"Wait so are you just foxes or....."

" Oh! where hybrids, we can change if you want" Aston says

"Umm sure I will look aw-" before I can finish, there already human.

Aston has curly dirty blond, with a bandana, Calum has black hair, in a quaff, Michel has black,brown, and red hair, defiantly dyed, and Luke is really tall and has a lip perching.

Overall there all really cute.

"Oh, that was fast" I say

" Where pretty fast, I mean where foxes" Luke says, more like a whisper.

" Well I have to go so-"

"Wait! umm are you a fox or a wolf? you smell kinda different from the others" Calum says

"Umm am I wolf, but you could say in different."

" Like what kind of different? Ooo can you show us?" Aston says, I guess he's a hyper one.

"Um sure"

I change, but then a bit of lighting comes off my fur and hits a rock, well that's going to leave a mark.

"Oh. my. god. Your the blue jay! So cool!" Luke screams, not quiet anymore.

" Umm yeah how do you know that?" I ask

" Pfft, everyone's the blue jay story! where not that stupid" Michael says

" Oh, ok well I'm be on my way-"

" I don't think your going anywhere" I hear a voice

Oops not again.


I'm really annoying with cliff hangers am i? LOOK I PUT 5SOS IN IT YAAAYY

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