Chapter 1:Gone

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She watched as the boat started sailing away. She watched as the only thing that made sense to her began to fade. It was over and Peter Pan would be gone forever. She watched as she let him slip out of her sight and out of her life. He would be going out of his home Neverland and into the frightening real world. And she would never see him again. I saw the pain in her face but worse I could feel the pain in her heart. That's the thing about being a fairy. You could feel every emotion and hear every thought of every person. You create emotional bonds. That's what I hated the most. I stuck with her for so long and now her FairyTale is ending. She let it sink in. No father and no Peter and now she would have to face the tribe alone. But I am here and I will stick by her side.... If she ever notices me again.

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