Chapter 5: Smirks

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Chapter 5: Smirks


Life has a funny, almost ridiculous way of throwing you into turmoil.

Think about it.

You are going on with your daily routine- from home to work, from work to home, binge- watching on Netflix, an occasional, very rare outing with your friends.

Then suddenly, life decides that it got bored of your daily, crappy, normal routine, and BAM!

Cue the drama.

The next thing you know, you find yourself being chased by members of the mob, sent to kidnap you by your own father and then you are saved by a member of another mobster, who looks so devilishly handsome, it's hard to figure out whether he really is reliable or not.

My eyes blinked open against the sunlight glaring through the window.

I groaned loudly, turning over and burying myself further into the soft and plush mattress and throwing the comforter over my face.

Wait a second.

My mattress isn't that soft. And my mother's old comforter doesn't smell like this.

When a pair of steel grey- eyes flashes through my mind, I bolt upright. Everything came rushing back, all at once, from my father's letter to being kidnapped and then being saved by Stefan. It takes my mind a couple moments to confirm that it wasn't a nightmare, but all that happened in reality.

But what happened after I threw up? I vaguely remember hurling my stomach out over the toilet and then passing out.

I can feel a dull ache beginning to form in my head and I clutch my hair. It's going to take a lot of coffee for it to subside.

Removing the comforter off my legs, I shiver a little when the cold, winter air touches my skin. I stretch and yawn loudly, almost tempted to pull the cover back on me and go back to sleep.

But the sensible part of my brain forces my feet in the fluffy slippers and get out of the bed and towards the bathroom. After doing my business, I walk to the sink and open a couple of cabinets, looking for a toothbrush.

I am surprised to find that the bathroom is fully stalked with all the necessities- shampoo, conditioner, soap, even sanitary pads and tampons too.

When I finally find the toothbrush, I quickly brush my teeth and then hop into the shower to fully wake myself up.

How did my Sunday go from a normal, binge- watching, cleaning day to one filled with so much drama?

All of this is a lot to take in- the Mafia, my real family. And there is so much more that I don't know yet.

And how does Stefan know so much about me? Can I trust him? Would he help me in finding out everything there is to know? Why does my father want to kill me? What happens when all of this is over?

With these questions playing on a loop in my mind, I turn off the shower, grab a towel and head out the door.

A surprised scream escapes my lips when I see a girl sitting on my bed.

She jumps up, startled​ out of her wits, "Oh my God!"

I put my hand on my heart to slow down my escalated heartbeat, taking a deep long breath. She does the same and for a couple of seconds, we just stare at each, until we both calm down.

She looks around my age. She has a slim frame, with shoulder length, wavy, light brown hair. She looks really pretty in her light blue sweater and rugged jeans, bringing out the blue in her big, round eyes.

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