Chapter 6: Rage

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Chapter 6: Rage


Diego Romano looked up from the file he was reading as I walked through his office doors, going to stand right in front of him, hands calmly shoved in my pockets.

I knew it would annoy him, for everyone in this place was well aware of not entering his office without knocking for permission.

"Forgot your manners, eh?" he asked, continuing his reading, "What do you want?"

Without a word, I pulled out a chair and sat down in it, as two men walked in behind me and went to stand behind the bastard.

He didn't look the least bit bothered, riling me up even more. Instead, he took his sweet time to finish reading the paper and signed it, after which he leaned back in his chair.

"I knew this day was going to come." he said, smiling a little, "From the moment you walked into this familia as my underboss, I knew you would do this to me."

"And that clearly proves that you were a fool to trust me." I tell him.

I motioned to my men, as they both roughly pushed him out of his chair and dragged him to my feet. He still didn't make a sound of protest. My jaw ticked when he looked me in the eyes, unafraid and slightly amused."

"For ten years, I had your back. I did everything for you, all of the dirty work, while you rested on your fucking throne, fucking puttanas day and night." I lean forward until I was level with him, "I asked you one simple thing in return- your daughter's hand in marriage. Instead, you tell me to kill her."

I moved forward and whispered in his ear, "Good thing I enjoyed her pussy before I killed her."

This time he struggled, riled up at the mention of his daughter. And I couldn't help but smile.

The door banged open and in came another one of my men, holding an iPad in his hand, "Boss, I've got the agreement."

"Read it." I ordered, "What does it say?"

"I will leave out the unimportant stuff. What's relevant is that it states here that the Lombardi fortune can only be inherited by a blood heir."

"And that means?" I prompt.

"It simply means that you will only get the inheritance if you get married to their blood heir, which was Sofia. Diego got it because he married her. But, the money has been in the Lombardi vault for the past eighteen years because that's when Sofia died. And two years ago, Diego had his daughter killed too."

"How do I get the damn money?" I ask, my mind set on the fortune, solely.

"You can't. There is no blood heir of the Lombardi family alive. All the money is still in the Lombardi vault. If no heir appears, it will be distributed among the major charities in Italy."

It took me a second to wrap my head around the information, and the very next, a plan began forming in my head.

I turned to Diego, who was listening to our conversation, with a small smirk on his face.

"Did you really think," he began in a hoarse whisper, "that I would let you get your traitorous hands on that money, you lying, back stabbing piece of shit?"

My smile widened.

"Ah! That's right." I clapped my hand, leaning back, "You don't know!"

His smirk vanished, and one on my lips widened.

"Your daughter is still alive, Diego." I say, loving the way his eyes widen in fear and disbelief, "I know you had sent me to kill her, but I just couldn't. I did have some fun with her, but I left her alive enough for me to go back to her again."

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