Chapter 3

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Featherflight's POV

Shadow padded over to his group of frail, hungry cats. Soon after there were some yowls of happiness coming from the frail cats.

There were, as well, yowls and hisses of disapproval towards the cats.

A gust of wind shook the trees as Firestar suddenly appeared on Highledge, fur ruffled.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting." Firestar began.

I padded over next to Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze.

'He must've decided if the cats will stay or not.' I think, the cold air sending a chill up my spine.

"I have come to a decision corncerning the group of cats that'd came over only a few days ago." Firestar

says, looking out at the crowd of cats that are listening attentively.

"They will be staying for as long as needed. They will, however, have to do warrior duties just like

everyone else does. They will have a choice if they want a warrior name or not and will be staying

here from now on. They will as well be taught the Warrior's code and will help our Clan when we need

them most." Firestar's pelt ruffled in the rough wind, which blew through the trees viciously.

"That is all." He ended the meeting, and padded down.

"Firestar?" I call him over to my side.

"Yes?" He asks as the wind becomes fiercer than it was before.

"I have a bad feeling about these winds, it looks like there' going to be a big storm this evening." I say

loudly, for the wind is blowing my words away from my stern leader.

"I agree, and I think that RiverClan will be flooding again, just like before, only maybe worse." The fire-pelted cat stood before me,

more grim than I've even seen him before.

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