I'm Being Text Stalked

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Annabeth’s POV


Ugh. I don’t feel good this morning. I had already barfed what….5 times now? My stomach was aching really bad. I was back in bed now. Percy was seriously starting to panic. He kept pacing and tugged on his hair. It was cute when he worried about me.

“It’s just a bug Percy!” I insisted for like the tenth time. I got an awful cramp and curled into a ball.

“Do you think you caught it in Athens?”

“I don’t know Seaweed Brain!” I felt so angry. I also felt sad. I never had hormones like this before. I felt sick to my stomach and I wanted to stay in bed all day

Okay now I’m really sick of being sick. I’ve barfed 15 times. Percy is walking me to the doctor’s office. I finally let him take me after begging me to go about 10 times at least.

“You still okay?” Percy rubbed my shoulder being the good husband he always worried about me. I felt way better now. I could walk by myself but Percy was on edge like he was ready to catch me if I fell. He opened the door for me and I walked in. Cally, the receptionist was waiting for me.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“No. But can I be checked out for a bug?”

“A PARASITE?!?!?!” She gasped.

“NO! Gods no! Just I’ve been sick all day. So sickness not a literal bug.” Jeez! I muttered under my breath. Going to the doctor’s is a little over rated.

“Let me page Dr. Margaret.” She kept looking at me funny. “Write your names here please.” She handed me a clip board with a bunch of scribbled names on it. I wrote happily, “Annabeth Jackson.” It felt good to share a last name with the best person in the world. “She will be with you momentarily.” She looked down at her clipboard. I ushered Percy to the chairs in the waiting room. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders,

“You still okay?”

“Of course it’s just a weird bug.” I shrugged. I had tropical illnesses before. I went to Bora Bora with my dad on one of his favorite planes for the day and caught a really bad illness that gave me hives and turned my face bright red. It wasn’t fun. Not one bit. I leaned my head on Percy’s shoulder. The receptionist glared at me,

“Don’t barf. We got the carpets done yesterday!” She groaned. Apparently people got sick in the waiting room often? Whatever.

“Hello. Are you Annabeth Jackson?” A woman wearing square glasses looked at me. Her hair was pulled back in a bun. It had a few gray strands of hair but she still looked young. She had 2 pencils stuck in her hair. She wore a white lab coat with a name tag labeled, “Doctor Margaret” in red lettering.

“Yeah, that’s me.”

“Good. Can you come with me to room 3B please?” She held out her hand for me and I took it gratefully. I was just standing up when Percy grabbed my hand and tried to pull me back down,

“Can’t I come?”

“No Seaweed Brain. You have to stay out here.”

“Yes. Please, I promise that she’s in perfectly capable hands.” Dr. Margaret smiled at him. Percy stood up and kissed me.

“Come back to me okay?” Dr. Margaret tugged on my shirt sleeve. I walked down the hallway next to her. She looked back at me,

“Recently married?” I blushed,

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