We Like 3D Movies

978 8 7

Annabeth’s POV

I hate the fact that people notice it before I do. I mean literally I was walking out the door when Leo stampedes,

“Gods, you look fat.” It’s a bump. So small that it took me 3 days to notice it myself. Impossible to see unless I’m only wearing a camisole. Me and Percy decided to wait to tell everyone until we go back to the doctor today. I was just about to leave

“Leo. You are a jerk.” It is a matter of fact. He tends to be an awful little person sometimes. I marched past him. I have to go and get Percy from the arena where he’s practicing. I don’t know the purpose of that. He’s the strongest guy I know. I was about to call Percy over when I got captivated by his skills. I watched him parry and duck not to mention other complicated sword moved that I still haven’t been able to learn. He took down Chiron easily and sighed,

“Sometimes I wish Luke was back so I could practice against him. He would be a challenge.” Chiron patted his shoulder and nodded. I leaned up against the wall. I watched him take down Chiron 5 more times before I looked down at my watch absentmindedly and gasped. Only 5 minutes to my appointment the doctor’s office was 10 minutes away if we were in the car. My gasp revealed me and Percy turned around, “Hey Beth!”

“RUN!!!!!” I sprinted out the door wincing a little bit.

“Why?!” He called behind me.

“THE APPOINTMENT IS IN 5 MINUTES!!!!” I heard him swear under his  breath. I threw open the doors of the Sedan on the top of the hill and threw myself inside. Percy climbed into the driver’s seat and slammed down the gas pedal. We took off.

Not bad. Only 3 minutes late. We had ran from the car to the door and I was still breathless.

“Annabeth Jackson?” The receptionist called.

“Yes!” I panted. She smiled at me. She beckoned and I followed her,

“You may come Mr. Jackson.” He practically jumped out of his chair and took my hand. We followed the receptionist to room 3B. “Here you are.” She opened the door and we walked in. Dr. Margaret was waiting for me sitting on a stool. She tapped the table and I sat down. Percy pulled up a chair next to me and took my hand again. Margaret already hand the machine pulled in and was busy clicking buttons on the screen. The screen flickered. I took off my shoes and set them down next to Percy. The paper crackled under me. I pulled up my shirt, I knew the drill. She took out the goop and set it down next to me. She pulled on one of her latex gloves and stuck the stick in the gray goo.

“Remember it’s cold.” She reminded me. She rubbed the gray glop all over my stomach, I think it was more tolerable with percy there.  That didn’t keep me from gasping from the cold.

“Can’t you warm it up or something?!” I suggested. The doctor just smiled at me like I had made some sort of cute joke that really wasn’t clever or smart at all. She flipped a switch and the screen flickered. Black and white covered the screen. She took the stick and moved it over to my right slightly and smiled when the screen changed and there was a different blob.

“Can we see it in 3D? No offense but I’m sure my husband has no idea what that is.” The doctor smiled at him and flipped another switch and the screen turned light peach colored. The screen showed 2 little blobs probably no bigger than my thumb. She shifted the stick and 2 more showed on the screen. I probably sighed and Percy looked so happy his smile looked like it hurt.

“Oh Percy…” I squeezed his hand and he squeezed back. The doctor smiled and she checked the monitor and checked few other things. Then she turned back to us and took away the stick and set it on the counter next to the computer,

“What do you think about hearing your babies’ heartbeat?” She smiled.

“Oh gods. You can do that?” I murmured. Percy tensed up beside me and my throat caught, “Yes please.” I answered her. She put the stick back on my stomach and clicked something on the side of her computer and the screen changed to a navy blue color. She clicked something with her mouse and a little red dot appeared on the screen. She turned a dial and a sound emerged from the computer. Like a patter of little mouse feet all in unison. 4 little hearts beating together.

Percabeth: Together Through It AllWhere stories live. Discover now