That Stupid Catfish

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Percy’s POV

Oh. My. Gods. What just happened? Typical trip to the doctor’s office to find out that your wife is………

“Pregnant?!” My head was in my hands. I was at the place where I could think the best, AKA the bottom of the lake. A catfish slumped past me. It’s mouth opened and closed when it was swimming. Ugly and stupid, pretty much what I felt like right now. Thank you catfish! Think positive. I was lightly rocking back and forth, back and forth.

“Oh my gods. Oh my gods. Oh my gods. Oh my gods. Oh my gods. Oh my gods. Oh my gods.” I muttered. I couldn’t stay in that hospital room with Annabeth, especially not when everyone kept giving me worried looks like I was insane. I’m a………………….dad?!!! No. Percy Jackson is a cool dude who always has to save the world, again, and again. Percy Jackson isn’t a…….dad. Why Fates?! Why?! Why don’t you give the poor guy a break, why don’t ya? I’ve only saved the world how many times now? Can’t I just live like a normal person? Even if for just a short while! Nope. The Fates aren’t that nice, especially to me. But wait, isn’t this exactly what every dude on the planet dreams about? Getting married, having kids, growing old? Isn’t that exactly what I wanted? Nope. Now I see that all I wanted was a little time. Nope.

I started hyperventilating. I am so stupid. Why?! We should have waited for a few years before having kids but no. 6 weeks after we got married whoopity doo I’m a dad! Should I meditate or something? Do normal people meditate? I closed my eyes trying to calm my heart rate. As soon as I could breathe again I saw that the light above me that was once blue had gone pitch black. I should go back now. But what exactly am I going to tell Annabeth? She’ll want my reason. I ran away because…….I needed time to process. That should work. I’ll have to deal with the baby bomb.

On a normal day, sure, kids are great. But imagine my kids. Running screaming, chasing butterflies, terrifying old ladies, threatening people with pens? Yep, that was what I figured my children would look like. I’m happy for us but I just wish we had more time. For just the two of us.

I started walking towards the woods. I made myself dry and was about to knock on the door when it broke open. The door almost hit me in the face. All I saw was a blur of blonde hair and Annabeth was in my arms. She was crying again.

“I-I thought you wouldn’t come back.” Her tears made my tee-shirt wet. She sobbed and sobbed. That I didn’t understand.

“How many times have I told you I love you?” I said it at least every morning as soon as I saw her. Then every night when she goes to bed. Then after I kiss her...which….to be honest, happens a lot. Whenever she has nightmares, which happens a lot. I could go on and on. She didn’t answer me. She just kissed me. Her face was wet with hot tears that cascaded down her face. I hugged her tight and slowly her shoulders stopped tremoring. She pulled away. She pulled me inside, still hugging me. She sat down on the couch sniffling. Her eyes were puffy and I cursed myself for not coming back sooner. She didn’t say anything but I got the message.

“It’s okay. More than okay. It’s great that I’m gonna be a dad.” She looked at me funny like she thought I wasn’t telling the truth. But now that I was back with her I could picture it. Annabeth and me with a little kid sitting around a Christmas tree, having huge water fights with the my sister Ana, sitting in front of the cobblestone fireplace watching the snowflakes fall, dismembering practice dummies together. I’m happy. “You’ll be a great mom Annabeth.” She cracked a smile and her eyes brimmed up with more tears. “Don’t cry.” I hugged her and she leaned on my chest.

“You’re the best husband ever.” She laughed. “You’ll be a great dad Percy.”

“So I get a second chance to be awesome with you?”

“Absolutely. But one thing, when you left she found 3 more fetuses.”

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