Chapter 16

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Falling out of love is hard

Falling for betrayal is worse

Broken trust and broken hearts

I know, I know

Thinking all you need is there

Building faith on love and words

Empty promises will wear

I know, I know  

I laid on the bed of our hotel room, listening to the lyrics carefully. Of course this song would come on when I put my iPod on shuffle. Closing my eyes, I began to sing along to the lyrics of Shontelle's Impossible.

"Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken, all my scars are open..." It was kind of ironic that the chorus said for the guy that broke her heart to tell them. As in tell multiple people. Like the press. And national television. 

What do you know, my life is a song.

"Charlie?" I paused in the middle of singing and looked to see Niall in the doorway. I should really tell Paul not to give out the room keys so easily. Particularly when I was trying to avoid somebody. I got up quickly so he wouldn't see my cheek and turned off my stereo. 

"Yeah?" I asked, still awkwardly standing with my back to him. 

"Listen Charlie," He began and walked quickly into the room. "Woah, it's bright in here." He groaned. I bet his hangover from last night was massive. So why was he here with me instead of sleeping it off? I walked over to the window, looking down at the city below.

"I know you probably don't want to talk to me after what I did last night, but I want you to know that I didn't mean it." His voice got closer. I guess Niall did remember. But he didn't mean what? He didn't mean to kiss me? I didn't know whether or not to feel relieved. 

"I just said those things because I was upset about Barbara and I wanted ya to leave me alone. I knew if I made the comment about Zach, you would leave. But I'm really sorry. It was stupid and I wanted to take it back as soon as I said it." His voice sounded closer and I noticed that his accent was thicker than usual this morning. 

Wait, so he was talking about before the fight? Honestly everything that happened later had made me forget what he said before. About me not being worth Zach feeling guilty about. It left its mark on me, but if that's what he was worried about, he shouldn't be. 

"Don't worry about it Niall. We both said stupid things." I shrugged, still facing away from him. 

"So you forgive me?" He stepped to the side, trying to see my face, but I turned the other way. 

"Yup, you're forgiven." I said quickly hoping he wouldn't question what I was doing. I pretended to be engrossed at something out the window.  

"Then, why won't you look at me?" He put his hand on my shoulder, attempting to turn me towards him. I fought, but eventually Niall got his way and we stood face to face. 

"Holy crap." He breathed. "What happened to your face?" His eyes grew wide and his fingers traced the bruise beneath my eye. 

I was about to make some snarky comeback, when it dawned on me. He doesn't remember. And if he didn't remember the fight, he definitely didn't remember the almost kiss. Or him saying how beautiful I was over and over again. Why wasn't I happy about that?

"Char." He brought both his hands to my face, trying to get my attention. "Answer me. What happened?" His eyes were filled with concern and his tone was protective. 

"So you don't remember?" I asked, mostly to myself. 

His eyes grew wide and a look of horror crossed his face. "Charlie, I didn't hit you did I?" His voice pleaded with me to say no. 

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