Chapter 27

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Riker's POV

After our concert, we had a meet and greet. I saw this one girl that caught my eye. She was really pretty. Rydel caught me staring at her and she wiggles her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at her and chuckled.

She wanted a picture with me and when she walked away, and I leaned over to Rocky and said, "Did you see that? I just got a picture with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen

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She wanted a picture with me and when she walked away, and I leaned over to Rocky and said, "Did you see that? I just got a picture with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

I told one of the security guards to stop her and wait until we are done because I really want to know more about her.

Ryland's POV

I was meeting the fans at a meet and greet but one of them, stood out to me. She was standing by her friends talking and laughing, just having the time of her life. She was just being herself and not trying to be cool. I saw her in one of the front rows at the concert tonight and she was screaming, dancing, and singing every song. I like that. I like her.

"Hey," I said as she walked up to me with her phone probably wanting a picture

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"Hey," I said as she walked up to me with her phone probably wanting a picture. "Hey! You were amazing tonight!" She said as she hugged me and I hugged back.

"Thanks, you're pretty amazing yourself." I complimented and she looked down at the floor with a blush.

"Can I have a picture?" She asked so kindly. "Of course," I said as she got her phone ready and I wrapped my arm around her as she did the same. We both smiled and she has a beautiful smile. She was going to walk away when I stopped her.

"I want a picture of us on my phone too," I said as I reached in my pocket to get my phone. I took a picture of me kissing her cheek and she gasped in surprise.

"Can you send that to me??" She asked excitedly. "Sure, here's my number. Please don't give it to anybody else." I said and she nodded. "I won't."

We exchanged numbers and I was really happy because I like her. A lot.

She started to walk away and I looked down at my phone. Her name is Hannah. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

I then set the picture we just took as my new screensaver.

Riley's POV

Tonight was pretty fun! Ross and Ashley made up, there was a Rydellington moment, Allison and Rocky got closer, Riker has a crush on a girl, Ryland was getting cozy with a girl, and me and Reece had a moment plus I got to perform! Overall it was a great night.

Then, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked as I stepped into a room where it was quiet so I could hear the person.

"Riley? It's dad," Dad? What does he want? Why would he call me?

"What do you need? Why are you calling?" I asked.

"Listen Riley, I want to say I'm sorry. I only have one call and I thought that I should call you. I know I haven't been a great dad but I just want to tell you that I'm sorry and I love you. I love you a lot. And when I get out, I'm going to make it up to you by being there for you. I'm so sorry. But I love you. I really do." He said and by the end he was crying which made me cry. I never seen him cry but just by hearing him made me not want to.

"I love you too, dad. I forgive you and I miss you. I love you so much." I said covering my mouth so no one could hear me cry.

"Listen Riley, I got to go but I will be out before you know it! I love you." He said. "I love you too," I said and the call ended. At least one of my parents loves me.

I made sure that I looked ok and went back out to the meet and greet. "Are you ok?" Reece whispered in my ear. He could see right through me.

"I'll tell you later." I said and he nodded and wrapped his arm around me. Ross gave us a look not knowing we're dating just like the other boys.

I only told Rydel, Ashley, and Allison so far because they're the only ones that saw us kiss that one day.

After the meet and greet, we all went back to our dressing room except for Riker. Where is he?

Riker's POV

I went back to where that girl was after the meet and greet. "Hey, I'm Riker," I said introducing myself as I stuck my hand out for her to shake.

"I know, and I'm Madison," She said as she shook my hand. "I thought you were really pretty and I wanted to meet you." I said still shaking her hand.

"Just because of my looks? Hell, you should look at you! You're better looking and you can have any girl you want!" She said and I chuckled.

"But seriously, do you know how many girls that would kill for this moment? So why me?" She asked.

"Why not?" I asked. She smiled and realized that we were still shaking hands. We let go and just stared at each other.

There is something about this girl. Something about her that makes her different. She seems kinda... broken. She seems like she has a lot to hide.

I hope I can be the one to change that. Not that she needs to change. Well, you know what I mean.

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Hope you enjoyed!!!

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