Chapter 14

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Hello, me again, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'd love it if I could get some more comments if possible. Thank you for reading xx 


The grounds were beautiful. Blossom trees were dotted around the grass; petals falling like snow. The field went in for miles with a sectioned off garden filled with flowers and statues of age old queens and kings. When we reached the centre of the garden where the two biggest statues proudly stood, Amelia had explained that they were the first queen and king of Arven: queen Grace and king Julius. The first two discovered to have light magic and defeaters of the dark. There had been a battle hundreds of years ago between the light and the dark. The light supposedly defeated the dark and had sent them to corners of this world with limited power. Or so they thought.

"Isn't she beautiful?" I glance to my left to see Amelia staring up at the statue of Grace in awe.

"Yeah, beautiful." I mumble in reply. I stare back up at the queen, studying every chip in the stone, every detail. About a minute later I start to hear grunting and turn, brows furrowed, towards the sound. When my eyes adjust to the sunlight I can make out two male bodies dressed in fighting leathers, with swords raised and sweat gleaming on their foreheads. It's not long after when I recognise one of them as Caleb.

"Who is that?" I ask Amelia as I point to where Caleb is advancing on the other male, blocking each attack.

"Who, Rowan?" she walks up and stands next to me, her light pink chiffon dress blowing slightly in the wind.

"No, the other one with brown hair" she looks at me confused.

"Rowan" I turn my attention back to the pair sparring. That son of a- I stalk over to them, Amelia hot on my heels.

"Hey. Rowan" I shout. He turns to me with a confused look on his face before quickly shifting into a smile.

"Well hello milady. " I scowl at him as he sheaths his sword and wipes a hand across his brow.

He leans in closer at gives me a grin as he says "Not such an idiot after all" before he can say anything else I grab his sword and step back, holding it under his chin. He slowly raises his hands and the man he was sparing with draws his sword and takes a step towards me. Rowan casts him a glance to tell him to back off. His eyes lock on mine before travelling down my body toward the ground.

"Nice shoes." I almost growl as I push the sword closer to his neck. He, in turn, raises his hands higher.

"Naressa this is Rowan, Captain of the guard here at the palace." Amelia says in a worried tone.

"Naressa huh."

"Captain of the Guard?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Obviously not a very good one seeing as I just stole your sword and currently hold your life in my hands." I can feel Amelia squirm behind me and Rowans companion take a step closer.

"You're not going to kill me" he says with such arrogant confidence.

"Really and why's that?" he just smiles again.

"Well you wouldn't want to get blood on your dress now would you?" He moves his eyes towards the beautiful, white, embroidered dress. "Plus I think you like me too much"

"Ahh well see that's where you're wrong" I take a step closer forcing him to take one back. "I don't care about either of those things" an interested and slightly amused expression crosses his features.

"Let's see what you've got."

He holds his hand out to the side for his companion to throw him a sword. I remove my sword from under his and instead hold it out raised in front of me as he does the same.

"What are you doing? Are you insane?!" Amelia yells at us the panic evident in her voice. But we ignore her as Rowan lunges towards me. Block his attack just in time I remove my sword from his and turn before striking again. An attack that he blocks.

"Well you're definitely a Valdez." I feign right and instead lunge for his left, his weaker side. I catch him slightly off guard and he doesn't have time to dodge as my sword nicks his arm. Nothing serious but it'll definitely sting. I hear Amelia take a sharp intake of breath. He takes only a moment to recover and then he's back on offensive, our swords clash together repeatedly as we block each other's attacks and dodge around each other.

"What the hell is going on?!" I turn my focus towards the voice that had just pretty much busted my eardrums, my breathing slightly laboured.


His eyes widen in disbelief "Naressa, how did you-"

"Escape the bad guys?" I raise my eyebrows at him as he walks closer "Thanks for your help by the way." He lowers his gaze and runs a hand through his hair.

"I went to look for you but when you weren't there I thought you were.."

"Dead?" I finish for him "I could've been no thanks to you. So much for protecting me" my voice starting to rise slightly.

"I told you not to-" oh hell no he does not get to say I told you so.

"Do not put this on me. I was the one that needed protection remember."

"You're also the one who told me you could handle it yourself. And it clearly looks like you're not as defenceless or oblivious as we thought." he practically shouts as he gestures to the sword still in my hand. 

"Children relax" Rowan walks over and puts himself in between us as we both stare each other down. "Look on the bright side, you're both alive and now training won't be as painful as I thought it would"

I quickly turn my focus towards a smug looking Rowan. "Training?" I question.

"Of course now that you're here you'll need to train your body and your magic" he says casually as he sheaths his sword.

"And who will be training me." I ask,dreading the answer.

Rowan smirks at me. "Me." I groan and he takes a step forward "Oh come on it'll be fun."

"When do we start?" I'm already dreading having to spend any more time with him and wondering how much freedom I have left.

"Right now." Not the answer I was hoping for.

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