Chapter 9| Ike

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It had only been one and a half days of ignoring my mum before she caved in. She practically ran to me with an apology, begging for forgiveness. While hesitant to forgive at first, I quickly accepted once she begin to list why she pressured Firkle into giving up his real name.

She claimed it was for my benefit, and that anything she said or did that night was for my benefit. Concerned for me, she told me she didn't want this relationship to end in heartbreak. I had to define that this wasn't a relationship, which then led to me realising how badly I want one.

I like Firkle, and following that up with 'a lot' would be an understatement. Every time we kiss or touch, my heart soars. He's just so different from anyone else I've dated (male or female). However, the fact that he's so alien makes me nervous to ask if we could date.

He'd one hundred percent class a relationship as 'conformist'.

I sigh and close my locker. Beside me, Ruby scoffs.

"You're so damn rude! Slamming a locker while I'm talking." Her tone transforms into a grumble, and I apologise.

"Sorry Ruby, lost in my thoughts."

"Buy a fucking map then." She tells me, and I can't help but chuckle. "It's about that freaky Firkle, isn't it?"

"He's not freaky." I defend Firkle, knowing that he'd hit me if he heard my tone.

"He stalks you."

"It shows he cares." I shrug. The stalking never shocked or bothered me. I found it exciting at some points, flattering almost.

"If he wants to show he cares, he should buy you flowers." She then clears her throat. "Oh wait - flowers are conformist."

"Did you not learn from the first time you mocked him?" She shakes her head, braids fluttering on her shoulders. "Anyway, why's he in your mind this time?" She poked my temple, and I brush her hand away.

"I've been pondering on whether he would date me or not." I answer honestly, and Ruby snickers.

"Definitely not. I bet he's never even been on a date. I'm convinced you were his first kiss."

"While the thought is sweet, he seems way too.." I search for the right word, "experienced for me to be his first kiss. He's actually quite good at kissing."

Ruby pulls a face. "Please, I hear enough about other people's love lives at home. I fucking hate Craig."

Before this can turn into a 90 minute rant about why Craig Tucker is the worst brother in the world, I speak up again.

"I'm going to ask him." I decide for myself, but Ruby doesn't seem fond of the idea.

"He'll say no." The disappointment must be prominent on my face, because Ruby is suddenly patting my shoulder. She smiles at me, trying to comfort me in her own awkward way. "Don't worry, Ike. If he says no, I'll come up with a plan. I'm assuming you're going to run off now, so meet me in the music room after."

I nod, brushing off my best friend's awkward touch. She glares at me, but I just apologetically smile and I'm off the hook. While Ruby is not right often, she's right about the fact that I'm going to run after Firkle now.

I have time, and if it happens to cut into period 3 it's not my problem.


Lipstick (COMPLETED)(South Park) {FirkleXIke}Where stories live. Discover now