Chapter 10| Firkle

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I walk into school the next day in a bad mood. After Ike's proposal of a date, I haven't seen him since. It's as if his disappearance has effected me; I'm not as light as I was yesterday, I'm dark. Literally. I've piled on the liner and lipstick, annoyed that I've let the Canadian teen get to me like he has.

Grumbling under my breath, I slip past the yellow doors. It's around five minutes until the bell for period one rings, and I stalk toward Ike's locker. He'll be there, hurriedly getting any last books for the up and coming lesson. I have his schedule memorised.

I'm right, obviously. He is by his locker, and the sight of causes my storm of negative emotions to disappear. My organ that pumps blood around my body races, and I desperately want to race over and kiss him. Apologise maybe.

But I don't. I won't.

I tell myself it's not worth it. That he will come around. Ike shuts his locker, the metal revealing a girl. I think I recognise her? Dirty face, spilt ends and gapped toothed grin. Katy maybe?

Ike definitely seems to recognise her. He smiles brightly, lighting up his whole face. I want to scream in anguish due to how good he looks. I don't, but the thoughts there. The next action he does, shocks me.

He grabs her hands, pressing a kiss to each. She flushes, muttering something. I want to scream once more. I want to scream and shout and tear the bitch away from Ike.

I fucking despise jealousy.

But.. Ike's a gentleman. He's kind, caring and respects people. Perhaps the gesture is just a show of respect? Maybe Katy is Ike's close friend, a friend he hasn't seen in a while?

Maybe it's nothing.

Maybe I'm overreacting.

I'm definitely overreacting. Ike would never cheat on me. Yet, it's not exactly cheating. There's no definition of a relationship, no real commitment. At best, it's friends with benefits. And I'm not even sure we're even friends. That means it's just benefits, something for the thrills.

I swallow back the lump forming in my throat.

Firkle, don't you dare fucking cry.

I tell myself sternly, pinching my arm as I punishment. I hiss as the sharp pain, squeezing the spot in an attempt to sooth it. Ike and Katy look over, and I glare at them both.

I can still feel Ike's gaze digging into my back when I begin to walk away. It's consistent and sharp, only ceasing to exist once the bell rings.

I have no idea what lesson I have, but I do know I share it with Ike. Possibly with Katy too.

At this point, I don't fucking care what her name is.

I run swiftly, following Ike to class. I'm going to watch him, see if he interacts with Katy (if she's even in the class) and interpret what the fuck that hand kiss meant for myself.


I wasted an hour of my life watching the back of Filmore's ginormous head. It turns out Katy wasn't in the class, soI decided I would just watch Ike. Study his actions, obsess over how quick he writes, think dirty when his tongue poked out the corner of his mouth in concentration.. but no. Filmore had to waltz in and sit in front of me.

"I fucking despise you. I will drop a 500 kilogram weight on your fatass head. I'll laugh and moan in satisfaction as it fucking pops." I hiss to him when the bell rings, and he gives me a strange look.

"The hell did I do?"

"Have a massive head." I grumble, and he grins at me.

Lipstick (COMPLETED)(South Park) {FirkleXIke}Where stories live. Discover now