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A/N: Please feel free to leave critical comments that will help myself as a writer to improve not just this book, but many more of my published works. Because nobody's perfect. 

Votes, Comments and Follows are appreciated (I follow back as a thank you) :) 

There may be some chapters that readers may find upsetting.

I sadly do not own the script or plot of any Jurassic Park/World but my characters and everything that is a pigment of my own imagination happily belongs to me- so please don't steal my work or else I will have to set the Raptors on you... and maybe the T-Rex, if I'm in a really bad mood!

Lots of love :) the author.


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"All done Mr.Grady" I say as I finish my medical check of the strapping young man who sits on the hospital bed in front of me.

Currently, I'm performing the tests and vaccinations for all the workers at Jurassic world that is about to open in the next few months. The man in front of me, Owen Grady, with his strong stature and orange tan from working in the hot sun all day with his young raptors, is quite a character. His rugged stubble on his face chiseling out his strong jaw as he looks straight at me with his emerald eyes that seem to be calm and calculating; like that of a predator stalking its prey. I can see why they chose him for the raptors.

"Owen," he smirks at me as he moves off the bed and stands to his dominating full height- myself being small at 5'4- and raises an eyebrow at me; silently asking for my name.
"Nurse English," I repeat as to what I told him earlier, trying to keep it professional even if this hunk of a man before me has my stomach doing flips- it's been a while since I've had someone taking interest in me. 

"Miss, Mrs" he baits, "gotta give a guy something to work with," he smirks at me as he takes a step towards me, closing the gap between us with his large stride.

"Zoe," I give him as his only answer before stepping away from him, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding as the dizzy feeling in my head slightly subsides.

He sighs and chuckles at me before he strides towards the door to exit the consulting rooms, "damn woman," he looks over his broad shoulder at me, "Stubborn as my girls," before shutting the door behind him.

Blinking away the spell he places over me, I quickly get back to work processing and cleaning up the blood tests and vaccinations I'd just performed on Mr.Grady before calling in the next patient.

The next few days consisted of making sure that all workers are fit and healthy for their line of work, whether it be trainers, or the construction team, they needed to be in optimum condition for outstanding work- as Claire had put it a few weeks prior.

But Mr.Grady- Owen- kept plaguing my mind. Even as I stitched up arms and treated many people for heat stroke as the weeks rolled on, he was always there in the corner of my mind like an annoying itch you can't scratch.

He  appeared every now and then, just passing through as I walked home late in the evenings or liked to eat in similar, quiet and secluded, spot for lunch some days.
He's always there. Never letting me forget him. Igniting the inquisitive thoughts for a man who is mad enough to bond with raptors.

This isn't healthy. Being an impressionable 21 year old that is fresh out of university after graduating in nursing. I only managed to bag the job because Vivian- my cousin that works in IT on the island- had suggested me due to being a specialist in traumatic injuries back home in England. And the fact that I'm easy to drag out to Central America with little baggage, such  as no family or boyfriend to drag along- a short cut in expenses for the medical team.

None the less, I love my job.

I may be shy and nervous, especially in crowds, but when I focus on my job I get it done quickly and efficiently. Like the man currently lying on the medical bed in front of me. 

 He's ripped open the flesh that covers his latissimus dorsi by falling against a fork lift when working on the Raptor enclose. I sighed internally when I'd spotted who was dragging the bleeding man before me into the infirmary; Owen Grady.  

I only spoke to him to get the accident information, my mind already processing a more efficient way to prevent more blood loss and hypovolemic shock to occur as a result. This man is loosing too much blood for his injury.

Owen helped me lay the moaning middle aged man, Toby I think his name is, on the bed and get the large man as comfortable as possible. Quickly, I cut away his sweat and blood socked shirt to expose the wound for an evaluation. The fork having penetrated the muscle itself and rupturing the fibers causing any wriggle of discomfort to be immensely painful for the man. 
"Stay still. This is gonna hurt" I had commanded as I cleaned his wound, the cloth absorbing the bright blood like a sponge whilst I administered some pain medication. His screams as I added pressure to the tender spot echoed in my only working ear, with the help of a hearing aid, and set my damaged, left, ear ringing painfully. A result of trauma as a child. My face grimacing in pain at the searing screech that bombards my racing mind like a knife.

"You okay?" Owen had asked from his hovering position beside the bed once he had spotted my grimace.
"Its deep but I can stitch it" I gasped, flicking a strand of my brown shoulder length hair that's highlighted with blonde and currently in a bun atop my head, out of my face as some strands have worked their way lose over the day. I should be on my way home now.

"How long has he been loosing blood?" I ask Owen seriously, his own face focused on the task at hand and not flirting for once.
"40 minuets since the accident and pressure applied as soon as possible afterwards," he replied sharply. Good; he's thinking logically.

I take out my equipment to why an IV in this mans arm for some more effective pain relief. 
"This will make you better if you stay still," I say before clamping down his arm in a strong grip, Owen reaching over and helping to pin Toby's thrashing form down so I can easily slide the needle into the pulsing vein.

Checking medical records quickly, I admitted some pain killers via a syringe into the IV and before administering 10mg of vitamin k1 to counteract his medication of warfarin which was causing such heavy blood loss (a blood thinning drug to prevent clotting) to help prevent the bleeding a little. A risky move due to his heart history but being unable to see the wound to stitch it for the blood, it's necessary.  

More members of my team are now available to help where Owen previous was, leading him to the waiting room.

The 12 stitches and glue were easy enough to apply after the administration of the drugs. A relief thank goodness.
Once Toby had been dealt with and I have eventually signed off work, I push open the on site hospital door and exit into the cool night air. My stomach give a small growl of protest at the 9pm finish with nothing to eat since noon. A new priority for the night.  Food.

Pulling my shoulder length hair from its bun, I shake my head to attempt to rid it of the still slight ringing and smashing headache that's forming.

"Hungry?" I hear a familiar voice from the bench located just to the right of the main entrance of the hospital. Turning, my sea blue eyes scan the long shadows until they rest upon my target. Owen.

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