Chapter 5

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Y/N P.O.V.

Before Team Sonic and Shadow infiltrated the base

I have long been passed out since the recent experiment, barely noticing that I was back in my cell. I am trapped in my own mind scape not knowing what's going on around me, but mostly sensing through the energy in the air. I could still feel the energy present out side the base until I noticed that they started moving.

They've seemed to be attacking a horrid of something that's guarding the base. I think the horrid might of been Eggman's robots. I see one of them using their energy as a way of attacking these robots in a form of a spear.

Recently I have discovered that I can see outlines of people that have chaos energy present in their bodies and many other things. The outlines look similar to an aura, the bigger the aura that is present on a person, the stronger they are in their chaos energy usage. From what I can see each one of those who were outside defeating these robots their auras were very strong and powerful, especially one being more powerful than the others. But they seem to be wearing something that regulates their energy to prevent them from using too much and draining them as well as being overwhelmed with the amount of power they possess.

After a few moments they were able to infiltrate the base. Most of them went to the control room probably wanting to gain information on what Eggman may be planning but one of them seemed to heading towards my direction. It's quite strange to me since most of the team are mostly concentrating on gaining information but I guess the team didn't notice the one straying away from them. I still wonder why one is heading towards my direction and then I thought maybe they have a mission that's possibly down this hallway, or maybe they can sense my chaos energy, but I am not quite sure since I've never had met anyone that can.

They were stopped by a horrid of robots blocking where they needed to go. They seemed to be in a rush and used some sort of blast to get rid of them in one hit, but more robots are going in their direction. They ran past the destroyed robots and the next set at super speed to avoid using more energy and headed further down the hallway. They seemed to have stopped in front of my door which surprised me and a sense of hope is filled within my being after having been here for so long, I am finally saved. They opened my door and approached my cell, their energy gave off what they're feeling emotionally like, for this instance, anger and concern as well as a longing to protect.

They broke through my cell bars and inspected me and my physical condition. They ran their hand through my fur to have a clear view of the missing fur patches. They became deeply concerned and gently carried me in their arms and out of the cell. I guess they teleported us outside the base and they seem to be contacting their team.

I decided to exit my astral mind scape and rest since it does take some energy even with the condition that I am in. Usually I can do it for an unlimited amount of time, but for now its only for a short time. I drifted off to a dreamless sleep thinking of what my savior looks like and what possible adventure is ahead of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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