To whom it may concern.

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To whom it may concern.

I sit here and ponder

Not certain of what.

Life is full of these many wonders.

Yet, as I am stiff, one thing seems to float.

The content of the notes I wrote.

All yet to be balled up, and started over.

Again and again until it's just right.

Stories of lovely lies in my sight.

Once more it's no good.

One more memory as I stood.

As I take a seat and retry my letter

This time, it will be better.

Pencil in hand, but no movement.

Mindful words of meaningful prudence.

The burning emotion.

To this letter I owe my devotion.

"For it will set me free," I say.

"I don't belong here. I can not stay."

The voices won't be silenced this time.

Tears oozing out as slime.

Telling the world about your many cuts.

Screaming down the hall as your door shuts.

No more chances after the final step.

Think  of them all, remember the tears they wept.

It's going to be fine they said.

But look at you now, shaky hands, eyes burning red.

All a simple trick of the mind.

Stumbling over the right words to find.

With a sudden purge, shapes begin to form.

Words come, and the feeling is so warm.

Is this it?

Is it done?

Has she finished?

This is the one?

Smiling at the magnificence 

She folds it and sits it on the camera.

The camera that would soon record the movie she presents.

She puts on her new neck ware,

and right before she leaps off that chair

She realizes what from the world she has learned

And with that she whispers, "To whom it may concern."

Depressing Emotions. (w/ quotes)Where stories live. Discover now