Chapter one

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Date: May 29th, Wednesday, 2009
Time: 5:30 .A.M. Pacific Standard Time zone


Hey, I'm Branch. I'm apparently the most popular guy at school, but second most popular. Poppy, my best friend, and possibly my crush, is the most popular.

She's popular because she's very fun to be around, always positive, always puts a smile on anyone's face (except mine, I don't show emotion). Me, I'm popular because well, Poppy's my best friend and because I show no emotion. I wore a super light green shirt that almost looked pale, with my green vest that I always wear and then black ripped jeans.

I went downstairs to eat and heard knocking.


Hello, I'm Poppy. I'm wearing a light blue shirt and pink jeans. I had my hair in a ponytail and and flowers in my hair.

I decided to go over to Branches place to eat since his house is right next to mine.

I started knocking frantically,"Branch Branch Branch, Branch! Branch are in there?!" He finally opened the door and let me in.. I skipped in in and automatically hugged him.

"Good morning Branchie!" I greeted,"Mornin'" was ALL he said. So plain, so simple, so boring. And he may or may not be my crush....

Anyhoo, I started pulling things out puting things together mixing, cooking. And in 15 minutes I managed to make pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage. Branch kept on trying to help but if course I told him to sit down.

"I'm doooooone!" I said in a sing-songy way."You wanna help me?" I asked,"Sure." he answered with a shrug,"You can help me by eating this." I smiled and pushed the plate over to him.

He looked at me, then the plate, and then me again. He stood up walked over to me, and,"Hahahahahahah! S-stop hahaha t-tick hahaha ling hahaha me!" After awhile he stopped and started eating.

I shook my and started eating too. 5 seconds after I started eating he said,"Done." I looked up,"I still don't get how you can eat so fast" "I don't get how you can eat so slow." he said as he put his plate and fork in the dishwasher. Then he pulled out 2 cups and poured orange juice in them he put one in front of me as I continued eating and he finished his juice in 2 seconds. It was almost full.

I shook my head as he leaned against the table." Dude, stop eating and drinking so fast, it's bad for your health." "No, it's bad for your health" he pointed to me,"Not mine." I rolled my eyes.

Then Branch's younger sister Lilith came down. She's in 6th grade."Hey Lilly" I said as put my dishes in the dishwasher. Branch just looked at her and did a small nod, hardly moving his head.

Lilly rolled her eyes."Did you guys leave me anything or do I have to fix my own food, AGAIN." "Sorry, we forgot.... again." I stated. She sighed,"I figured."

I looked over at Branches phone as he got he a text from Suki. It said Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey! You see, Suki had this MAJOR crush on Branch since 3rd grade, which is when she met him. I live next to him, we have all of our classes together, and we ALWAYS spend time together, Branch and I are best friends!.

Branch shook his head,"She's annoying." he stated. "Who?" asked Lilly. We looked at her," No one." Branch stated. And we looked back at his phone. I didn't see, but I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes.


I ignored Suki's text and shoved my phone in my pocket. I put on my shoes and grabbed my bag. When I saw poppy had all her things, I put my arm around her shoulder and we walked to the bus stop. There are 5 other kids at our bus stop, a nerd named Nora who always makes sure she's the last on the bus and 5 feet from the rest of us. The twins Satin and Chenille, some kid named Jack who has a crush on Poppy, and a geek named Nathan who makes sure he does the same things as Nora.

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