Chapter 2

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Jacobs pov


If anyone asked Jacob what he was getting out of his relationship with troye, that would be his answer. Troye gave him success.

Most people interpreted success as romantic success or sexual success but it was far from that. When he said success he meant financial success. Ever since he started dating troye, his followers went up. He received more modelling deals, more paychecks..

In fact, if it weren't for the fame that troye had given him, he wouldn't have been able to afford the place he was living in right now.

Currently, Jacob was dreaming about the night that he met troye. (A/N:okay obviously i don't know how they actually met but for the story's sake let's assume this is how it happened)

They had met at a club in L.A.

Jacob was out for a night of fun and was drinking when troye sat next to him at the bar.

"Give me a shot of the strongest thing you've got" troye said to the bartender. Jacob noticed his foreign accent.

"Wait are you THE troye sivan?"

Jacob started listening intently

"Yep in the flesh" replied troye with a forced smile

"My daughter loves your music can i get an autograph?"


"What brings you here today?"

"I just broke up with someone and i need to forget everything"

"Wow. well i'll get you some drinks, you sure you're okay boy?"

"Yeah just get me something that will distract me"

Jacob had just started his modelling career and needed a boost and was willing to do anything to receive more fame. A plan formulated in his mind. He could take advantage of the seemingly famous troye sivan and increase his following. It seemed perfect. He decided to make his first move.

"If you need a distraction then i'm right here"Jacob said to troye with a smirk.

Troye stared at him as though examining him

"Fair enough. If you want to "distract" me at least tell me your name"

"I'm Jacob. You are?"

"Troye. Troye sivan"

They hooked up that night but it wasn't significant for Jacob. All he wanted was the money.

Suddenly he heard troye again.

"Jakey you have to wake up we have a long day ahead of us"

He realized that this was reality and that he wasn't dreaming anymore

Ugh he hated it when troye gave him these stupid nicknames

"What time is it?" i asked

"8AM babe"

These terms of endearment were sickening

Jacob had a meeting at 10AM

"Then we can stay in bed for a little longer"

"K whatever you say babe"

Again, these...names. Babe, jakey. Blegh it made him sick. But he had to roll with it

They stared into each other's eyes. Both for very different reasons.

"My beautiful money making machine" thought jacob

At that moment troyes eyes flickered

Scared that troye had read his thoughts he asked him "Is everything alright?"

"yeah , everything's good"

Thank goodness

"Why don't we get up now?"

"Sure sounds good"

"I'll go make breakfast k?"


He made his way to take a shower and freshen up. He could smell pancakes bacon and coffee. An added bonus was that troye could cook good food. So many benefits..

After breakfast he would head to the meeting and run his daily errands while troye went to the studio.

The meetings he wouldn't have if it weren't for troye.

Jacob was using troye,

And he loved every single part of it.


Welp there's chapter two. Hope you guys like it! chapter three will be up ASAP

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