Chapter 6 - What A Truly Magnificent World

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Translator: NancyChen3

Editor: Sae

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"I'm a bastard? Then what are you? A beast?" Gu Yang retorted as his stone-cold gaze swept towards Gu Hai like a violent whirlwind, ready to raze its adversary. His words held a sardonically vicious tone that revealed no mercy of any sort, "I may have done immoral deeds but how many of your actions are considered virtuous? Although I've hurt my own brother, you've also hurt your own father! When you were injured, who was the one that was worried sick for you all day long? Have you ever thought about being grateful for once?......"

"Don't change the subject!" Gu Hai immediately interrupted Gu Yang's web of sophistry with an imposing demeanor, "I only want to ask you one thing right now, what exactly happened after the car accident?"

"That accident didn't cause you to have an amnesia, right? From what I remember, you regained consciousness as soon as you woke up. Didn't everything else that happened afterwards play out right in front of your eyes every day? What else do you want to know?"

"I just want to know what happened before I woke up."

"Before you woke up? Is there even a need to ask this sort of question? Of course, it was to rush you to the hospital so you can be saved."

"Can you stop beating around the bush?" Gu Hai's patience slowly collapsed bit by bit the more he listened to Gu Yang, "You know exactly what I'm asking, after the accident and before I regained consciousness, what did you actually say to Bai Luo Yin? And what did he say to you? Please tell me everything from beginning to end, word for word."

"What difference would it make if I told you?" Gu Yang watched Gu Hai attentively, "It has been eight years already. Even if you know the truth, what can you bring back?"

"I don't want to bring anything back, I just want to know! I just want to understand everything!!"

"Fine then. I will tell you, so listen carefully." Gu Yang returned to the subject without any hesitation, "When the accident happened, there were heavy traffic coming from all directions. Bai Luo Yin carried you on his back and made his way, step by step, until he reached the ambulance. By the time I arrived at the hospital, Bai Luo Yin was already waiting outside the operation room, and after the doctor announced you were out of danger, he left. But before he left, he urged me to tell you when you wake up that he was dead."

"That's impossible!" Gu Hai immediately retorted, unable to accept the truth, "You must have said something to forced him to leave!"

"There's nothing else I can do if you don't believe me. But, I admit, the story about him being abroad was indeed something I made up. At that time, when I saw you living as if you were going to die any day, I wanted to give you a little bit of hope. Afterwards, I found Bai Luo Yin's family and friends and told them about it, and they all agreed to cooperate. This was the reason why you weren't able to find any information from anyone."

Hearing those words, Gu Hai had never once thought that he has been living a life constructed by webs of lies for the past eight years. Every agonizing day that he endured was no different than living in hell. But in the end, it was simply just someone else's blind assumption of something they did not fully comprehend.

"Did my dad know about this?"

"Do you actually think he wouldn't know?" Gu Yang laughed grimly, "The moment Bai Luo Yin decided to enlist, the first person to be informed was your father. How do you think he reacted? With just that alone, he promised that he would no longer interfere with your future development."

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