Chapter 61 - His Whereabouts, Completely Exposed

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Translator: Sae

Editor: Julieta <— welcome to our small team!

Proofreader: Nancy


Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah......the sound of someone spitting continuously mingled with water flowing out of the faucet.

Since he left the interrogation room, Gu Yang has been frantically brushing his teeth to the point that a layer of his teeth enamel might have been taken off. But even then, he still did not feel clean and that atrocious taste refused to fade. The more he thought about it, the more fucking disgusting and nauseating it was. The anger that winged nearly caused the toothbrush in his hand to snap in half.

As he walked out of the bathroom, Gu Yang suddenly heard his cellphone rang and went to pick it up only to see several missed calls showing up on the screen.

'Gu Zong, it seems our product warehouse has been infiltrated by a thief and a large amount of luxury goods have gone missing. All the boxes were perfectly sealed and in great condition but when we opened them for an inspection earlier today, there were only piles of bricks stacked inside!'

'Gu Zong, a large sum of money has disappeared from the company's main bank account for some unknown reasons.'

'Gu Zong, the company's network system has been hacked, resulting in a great number of financial data being leaked.'

'Xiao Gu! Why are there so many problems with your company lately? Another executive shot and injured someone at a nightclub today. Luckily, he was arrested before he could hurt anyone else. Listen to me, you have to come back as quickly as possible. Don't let the problems spiral out of control!'

Hearing all those anxious calls, Gu Yang's facial expression gradually became more and more unsightly. By the time he received the last phone call, he couldn't help but to bellow in rage.

"What the hell were you busy doing earlier? Why are you only informing me about everything now?!!"

The person on the other side hesitated for a moment before he cautiously said, "Hmmm, haven't you been in the company the entire time? Since you didn't come in today, I decided to give you a call."

After he hung up the call, Gu Yang suddenly became aware of something and picked up the phone again to check all the unread messages. It would have been better if he had not checked, since the moment he did, his face transformed into a grimly shade of green. Each of the unread messages were sent from only one number: his anti-theft system. In other words, someone has been frequently attempting to hack into the confidential files on his personal computer back in his office.

Gu Yang's heart thumped as he immediately dialed Gu Hai's number.

No one answered......

As he moved the phone away from his ear, Gu Yang's face abruptly careened into darkness. Before long, all types of suspicions took aim and shot straight into his brain cells, quickly expanding until ultimately reaching its breaking point—and exploded abruptly!

"No matter what happens, you must stop Gu Hai from leaving Hong Kong for me!" Gu Yang said furiously.

"Gu Hai?" His personal bodyguard sounded surprise as he paused, "He came to Hong Kong?"

Gu Yang froze, "What? You actually don't know that?"

"I'm with you all day long with barely any contact with anyone else. How would I know if you don't tell me?"

With me all day long?... A cold ray of light flitted pass Gu Yang's eyes. Fucking shit! Why didn't I think of that? If I can pretend to be him and wreak havoc in his company, why wouldn't he take my identity and pretend to be me in order to swindle my company as he pleases?

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