Chapter 64 - Looking for some Excitement

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Translator: Sae

Proofreader: Julieta


The moment Gu Yang left, Zhou Ling Yun trailed behind him.

However, before he could set foot outside the room, two armed officers acting as guards immediately blocked his path. "Where do you think you're going?"

Zhou Ling Yun's eyes faintly swept over them, "To help Gu Zong intercept a fighter jet."

"Didn't you just said a second ago you're not helping?" The armed officer's suspicious gaze remained on him. "'The nation's machineries are not yours to casually use for the sake of resolving your personal conflicts.'Weren't those your exact words?"

"But this is not a personal conflict. One of the nation's first-class pilots has been abducted in a hijacked jet. I'm going to ensure his safety and since it is an internal affair, it is essential to safeguard and uphold the strength of the Air Force." Zhou Ling Yun calmly elaborated on his many excuses.

The two armed police officers looked at each other, then gave their commanding officer a call to obtain an authorization for release. Once they were able to get the approval, one of the officers grabbed Zhou Ling Yun's arm and said with a determination, "I'll go with you!"

Bai Luo Yin piloted the jet until it pierced through the clouds and reached a safe and steady altitude. From the look of it, they would be able to reach their destination without any mishap.

After the long silence, Tong Zhe spoke.

"Can you smoke in the cockpit?"

Bai Luo Yin, "Whatever."

Gu Hai, "No."

Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai said at the same time, but with two entirely different opinions that made the cigarette in Tong Zhe's hand come to a complete standstill. Bai Luo Yin maintained an indifferent attitude while Gu Hai clearly refused. If it was just an ordinary helicopter, it wouldn't have mattered much but smoking in this kind of fighter jet would interfere with the pilot's ability to judge.

Tong Zhe shot Bai Luo Yin a glance only to notice that he was an extremely cool looking pilot with a laid-back type of temperament and physique that implied he did not care much for such trivial things.

"Nevermind." Tong Zhe placed the cigarette back into his pocket.

But Bai Luo Yin simply turned to face Tong Zhe and reached his hand out, "Give me one."

Seeing that, Gu Hai put his hand on Bai Luo Yin's hand with a slightly tight grip and softly spoke. "You can smoke when we get back. It'll take less than fifteen minutes until we're home."

Bai Luo Yin coldly shook Gu Hai's hand off and continued to use his eyes to hint at Tong Zhe.

Gu Hai could faintly sense that Bai Luo Yin's mood wasn't very good. But for the sake of their safety, Gu Hai no longer went against Bai Luo Yin and let him do as he pleased.

Soon, a cloud of smoke spread throughout the cockpit.

Since he was pulled up into the cockpit, Tong Zhe had noticed that Gu Hai's eyes were fastened to Bai Luo Yin. Aside from certain times, he was practically unable to take his eyes off of him. Bai Luo Yin held onto a nonchalant attitude—who knew if it was because piloting required him to be completely focus or that he had something against Gu Hai.

In short, Tong Zhe felt that there was a deep entanglement between them.

Suddenly, an abnormal signal appeared on Bai Luo Yin's LCD screen appeared, causing him to immediately tense up. He quickly shoved the cigarette into Gu Hai's hands and took hold of the control lever while keeping his eyes closely on the control panel.

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