1- Don't Touch My Teddy Bear!!!

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●Iris POV●

I paced back and forth with a huge smile on my face. When I told my dad I wanted to help him defeat the titans, I really meant it. Today was the first day for training and I was dressed in my crisp new cadet uniform and buckles around my waist, legs and chest. It was ungodly uncomfortable. Then again I was used to jeans and boy shirts, dresses and gossip about boys never really appealed to me Erwin said I definitely got that trait from my dad. I smiled and giggled thinking to how similar we were but at the same time I was so different from him.

"Mr. Snuggles!" I dived onto my bed and grabbed my teddy bear. I took him everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Once I got to sit in a wagon on one of my dad's expeditions just to the base outside the walls and I sat hugging my bear. "You wanna come to training with me?" I threw him up in the air and giggled.

I looked at the time and started to rush out the door when I was met with grey-blue eyes directly in my face. I internally laughed. My dad was so short.

"What's that?" he asked in a husky voice pointing at Mr. Snuggles.

"It's Mr. Snuggles" I replied in a duh tone.

He sighed annoyedly "No one is going to take you seriously if you show up with a teddy bear" he plucked it out of my hands by his ear.

"Hey!" I pouted and yanked him back "Be nice to him! He's my little buddy!"

With another sigh he patted my head "Tch, just don't get in trouble, key little brat?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and dramatically pet Mr. Snuggles. Dad stared back at me with the same emotionless face as always. I smirked at jumped on him, catching him off guard.


"Kay daddy! I'll be good! And Mr. Snuggles will be too!!" I nuzzled my head into his broad shoulder.

He pat my head "Just get going, no one will tolerate a late soldier"

I saluted him and ran out the door to join the rest of the new recruits and stood with perfect posture in a straight line next to a childish looking boy with bright blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. But behind his wide eyes I could tell he was determined, he honestly looked rather wise as well.

I looked around at the other recruits. One girl I noticed in particular was staring at a potato in her hands I looked at the crazed look in her -- eyes, like a hungry animal. Another girl with long black hair was wearing a red scarf stared straight ahead not particularly focusing on anything. She was mighty beautiful.

That's when I saw it, a bright flash of teal. I wiped my head to the person a few people down from the girl with black hair. It was a boy with the most magnificent bright, determined teal eyes. He had brown hair slightly combed back and a strong aura to him.

"That ones got guts" I smiled.

"Huh?" the boy with bright blonde hair was pulled from his thoughts and looked at me.

"Oh? I was looking at a rather determined boy" I hugged my bear behind my back.

He smiled at me "Ah who is it?" I pointed at the boy with teal eyes. "Oh! That's Eren! Haha, he is really determined, you should of seen him before sign-up! I'm Armin by the way!" his grin seemed to widen.

"I'm Isis, nice to meet you Armin!" I patted his head. That's always been my thing, I treat people like animals by petting them, its not that I think that they act like pets or anything, I've just always needed to pet them before I trust them.

"Isis huh? That's a really pretty name!"

I felt my cheeks heat up. That's probably the first genuine compliment I've ever really gotten from someone my age. Most of the girls I met when I was little were so fake, that probably helped lead me to appeal to acting more boy-ish rather than like a girl.

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