Chapter 24

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Boboiboy POV

I entered the house as I was greeted by maids.

"Good Morning." I greeted kindly.

I was amused because the mansion was huge.

I walked around, looking for my mom and dad.

I finally found them, in the balcony as I approached them silently.

They glanced to their back as they noticed me.

My eyes started watering, I remember them and I reminisced our old memories.

Tears started seeping down our eyelids and we joined in for a hug.

"Welcome home, sweetie." My mom greeted as she pinched my cheek.

"I miss you so much, son." My dad informed.

"Maids, please prepare a delicious feast! My son has come back!" My dad demanded.

The mansion's maids scurried to the kitchen and prepared an appetizing meal.

My parents and I scampered to the dining room and I was amazed to see a huge buffet of food.

I still had a small difficulty in walking so I was the last one to get to my seat.

Our family ate quietly.

Not a single question popped out of our mouths.

After we finished, my mom left me alone with dad as he escorted me to my room.

The room was colored white while the shelves were black.

I sat on the bed as my father told me to tidy up and take a shower.

The bed had white linen and fully-fluffed pillows.

I took my bag off and laid it on the bed-side table.

I opened the bathroom door and was greeted with such a clean bathroom.

It had a sky blue color and it was already inviting me to take a shower.

I slid my clothes off me towards the laundry basket and got in the shower.

The water dripped from my hair down to my feet and it was ice cold so I used the heater and turned it to a little hotter.

The water was perfect and I enjoyed my short bath.

I walked out as I wiped myself with a towel, I shivered as the cold air from the air conditioner came in contact with my naked body.

I opened my closet, not expecting any clothes but I was completely wrong.

I put on my undergarments and my clothes which consisted of a tuxedo and polished black shoes.

For once, I felt fancy.

I turn the air conditioner off as I went out of my room.

My dad was waiting for me there, with a serious face.

I raised my eyebrow, "Why does he look so stern?"

My dad sat me down.

"Son, I know you're battling issues with the memory loss..." He said, "When you get your memories back, you'll have to go back to Tok Aba."

I nodded though I still had a lot of questions to ask, such as "Why?".

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