1 • The day I saw you again

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Song of the chapter: all the pretty girls- Kaleo

I woke up to the piercing shrieks of Annabelle and frustrating groans of My wife as she draped over the crib with her hands in her hair.

"You ok?" I asked bluntly, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. She shook her head and I laughed slightly, pulling the sheets away from my cold body and standing up. I walked over to the crib and reached in, I picked up the tiny baby and her cries slowly melted away as I rocked her in my arms. I swayed around slightly and Amelia got back into the bed, wrapping the crisp white sheets around her head and closing her eyes.

I kicked her lightly, carefully aware of the sleeping baby in my arms. "lazy."

"I've been up with that kid for the last two hours trying to make her stop crying and you just effortlessly breeze in and do it in seconds." She sighed and frowned, but then smiled again once she saw Annabelles adorable sleeping face. I looked down at the baby, her fragile eyes gently closed and a tiny smile on her lips. "She's smiling." She whispered.

"Here." I passed her Annabelle and strolled into the bathroom, getting ready for a shower when I heard screams and more exhausted groans. I giggled to myself and turned on the water. I got in the shower but immediately jumped out when the water scorched my back.
"Shit that's hot!" I whisper-yelled to myself.

"Karma!" I heard Amelia yell from our room and I laughed to myself.

• • •

After 25 minutes of driving we finally arrived at the restaurant that Louisa and Willow had instructed. Melody, Hannah's restaurant.

Louisa and Willow had just become engaged after 4 years of being together. They were a very cute couple and everybody knew it, the paparazzi were obsessed with them, well obsessed with Louisa. Her modelling career had taken off big time and she even starred in a few movies. She had a huge fan base, over 30 million followers on Twitter, yet her love for Willow was always humble and Willow was by her side as she rose through fame. And that was enough to show those two were soulmates, right from the start.

We all got out of the car, Annabelle in Amelias arms, and I braced myself for seeing her.

As we walked through the heavy doors and into the dimly-lit room we were met with bright coloured walls and dark brown booths that had bright red seats. There was a large bar that swept across the entire right side of the place, the yellow matching the colour of the stools that slid under it. The place was kept pristine and tidy, even the wine glasses on the table wear glimmering and the napkins were crisply folded, not one crease or stain was visible.  Although, in a way, it was rather gimmicky, it was also very elegant, the perfect balance of each. I could see why everybody constantly raved about it, and I hadn't even tried the food. It was all you read in newspapers and magazines. This place was expensive and very famous, only the most rich and popular guests could dine in here and it made me slightly luxurious that I was even standing in the famous 'melody'. Yet, I remember when this place was merely a thought to Hannah Jackson. Yet now it's a real building and that's not her name anymore...

I scanned around and find Willows brown curly hair and then Louisa's blonde hair, and then long dark brown hair.

"Hey." I greeted everybody and they all turned around, saying hey back and shaking hands.

She looked at me, her bright blue eyes never changed, they bore into my own. Her face hadn't changed, her high cheekbones, long eyelashes, petite nose and a small bit of red lipstick against her uneven lips which were showing me a lopsided grin, a fake one. She was as beautiful as ever, but I couldn't admit that, because that would be admitting that I made a mistake and Shawn Mendes could never do anything to hurt his precious pride.

"Hi." She slightly whispered.

"Hi." I spoke softly, slightly amazed. I was almost proud.

After hours of pointless mingling and endless glasses of alcoholic beverages, I spoke up again.

"Want to maybe get out of this place?" I asked her. if only i had left without speaking to her that night, i wouldn't have stumbled into the mess that consumed me for what seemed like forever. I knew it was risky, but part of me couldn't care less. She considered for a moment and looked around, debating the decision.

"Sure." We walked out of the restaurant and into the cold. Toronto's winter weather wasn't treating the cobbled road nicely, some of it even decaying due to the pelting rain and endless hail. It was dark everywhere apart from the occasional street light.

"So how are things?" I asked her, not really sure of what I was doing.

"Ok, it's kind of hard raising a kid and explaining why they only have one set of grandparents while everybody else has two." She sighed and rolled her hand through her hair as my heart almost gave out in sympathy.

"How's Chloe and your brother?"

"Chloe's great, she just moved in with her boyfriend. I don't really talk to Jamie that much." The small talk was wrenching at me, it was pointless and felt like somebody injecting my body with pure boredom every time she spoke of it. I privately reminisced to myself of all the deep conversations we had and it was stupid of me to assume after ten years we'd just jump straight back into that.

After walking for a while down a side street we sharply turned onto a main road, filled with much more streetlights and much more headlights, the both of them blinding our unprepared eyes.

We crossed the road after awhile of walking straight forward, tracing the steps of the cars as they passed by.

I tossed my hands up and into the air, letting a passing cab know that we wanted it.

"Where are we-"

"Just trust me, Hannah? Do you trust me?" She looked at me, her terrific blue eyes sizzling into my own as she contemplated. The wind stroked her hair and pulled it away from her face. her eyes darted about as if she was looking at all the different responses she could possibly say. It was like she was playing out in her head what to say to me, trying out the different words on her tongue.

"I trust you." The words were satisfactory like a warm blanket comforting your cold body. I needed to hear it, like an anecdote to my troubled ears, it was perfection in the form of three simplistic words. 

I smiled at her and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the black leather seats of the cab.

"Where to?" His thick British accent laced each of the words as he glanced at us in his pristinely polished mirror. 

"The most beautiful place you know." And with a sweet smile he pushed his large foot against the accelerator.

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