6. Hour One

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"Or at least, I think I do." She pushed her bright blue hair behind her ear, revealing piercings all the way up it, her lips were large and plump and she rocked a nude colour on them. Her eyes were a dark brown and she wore winged eyeliner and mascara. She was very cute- but definitely not my type. Or so I thought.

I sighed and chuckled to myself a little. She was just a crazy fan who wanted an excuse to be near me.

"How can I be so sure?" I cocked a brow and she smiled.

She pulled her bright phone screen to my face and I saw a photo of light brown hair and high cheek bones, an adorable button nose and sweet lips I used to kiss.

"Where is tha-" she cut me off.

"New York."

I leant against the wall and ran my hands through my hair in frustration- something I did often. Why was she in New York?

I wasn't sure exactly what to do but I was sure where to go.

"Where exactly?"

"JFK, terminal 4." I chewed my lips and pulled my phone from my pocket, Dialling Andrews number. After precisely four rings he picked up, his voice raspy.

"What's up?"

"I'm going to New York, cancel everything for the next two days." He sighed down the phone and I heard rustling as though he was moving stuff around.

"Shawn. . . You can't go to the end of the world for that girl, you're married, you have a daughter. It's not that simple." I grew slightly angry, balling my fists beside me.

"Shut up, Andrew. I'm going. Like I said, cancel everything and please tell Amelia where I'll be." I snarled and cut him off before he had time to attempt a negotiation.

I slid my phone back into my pocket and huffed away to my jeep, I pulled open the door and got in, sighing and slamming my hands against the leather steering wheel, groaning.

Why is everything so goddamn difficult?

I started to set off when I found the car door beside me opening and closing as well as a seatbelt clicking. I slowly turned my head beside me and found the same vibrant blue hair and sickly grin. Her positivity made me feel ill.

"Oh, no no no. Get out, right now, good bye." I shooed her away with my hands but she simply folded her own around her chest.

"Nope, I refuse." I pulled my phone out and pretended to dial 911.

"Do I have to ring the police?" She smiled again  for no particular reason. And for some reason I put my foot down and started the car.
The road was bumpy, jolting us around and I cursed myself multiple times in my head. What the fuck was I doing?.

After driving in silence for 10 minutes she spoke up.

"Aren't you going to ask my name?" I ignored her, my rude self being my rude self. She huffed. "It's Lacey."


"Lacey, get me directions to New York." Her eyes widened as I rolled my own, a simple instruction yet a slow reaction.

"We're going right now? Like seriously? Can you even drive to New York?" She tilted her head to the side, still not doing what I had asked.

"Shut up and get me directions before I toss you out of the car." She laughed a little and I hated how she stayed so positive all the time, it repulsed me.

"8 Hours and 35 minutes." She scrolled through the map on her phone before placing it on the dashboard in front of me so I could read the directions. I sighed again.

"Guess you have to spend 8 hours and 35 minutes with me then." I told her and chuckled a little then stopped with realisation to how ridiculous what I was doing was. I told myself I didn't like the girl when really I was a little relieved to have some company.

"I don't mind. I think you're pretty awesome." I didn't express anything, just fixed my eyes on the road. She pulled her feet onto the seat and hugged her knees to her chest. "Aren't you going to talk to me?" I didn't answer again, instead just looked through the mirrors as I switched lanes.

"Well, my names Lacey, I'm 26 and I don't really do much to be honest, I'm not crazily talented, I don't sing, I don't draw, I don't do much. I live in a little apartment with my roommate which is pretty awesome but she parties all the time which is annoying. I love your music and I saw you live last year, it was incredible. You're super talented. " I sighed yet again.

Stop kissing my ass.

"Can you just be quiet. For one minute, please." It came out ruder than I intended but I mentally shrugged it off and turned up the radio, use somebody by kings of Leon playing.

I tapped my fingers to the beat and found myself singing.

I turned a few corners and sung a little louder. Lacey watched me intently like a bird seizing its prey.

I played air guitar, irresponsibly removing my hand from the wheel momentarily and Lacey laughed at me, I enjoyed myself. It was like the two of us were bonding in the three or so minutes the song played. I really did enjoy her company.

After half an hour of driving I pulled into a gas station, it was bright red and it was still light outside, maybe a couple hours before the sun would decide to disperse.

"What are we getting?" The comment was rather stupid and not thought through, triggering a sarcastic snap from myself.

"A gun and some rabbit food, what do you think we're getting?" I snarled and she flinched, I mentally cursed myself yet again and got out of the car and to the other side of it, filling it with gas as Lacey wondered in side. I wasn't sure what she was doing until I finished putting gas into the car and found her pondering on what candy she wanted. I walked in and swiped the gummy worms from the assorted rack of sugar.

"Get these, they're the best." I tossed them to her and she caught them on top of the pile of chips and other things she had decided to purchase. I payed for the gas and then insisted on paying for her food as well, much to her dismay.

We both strolled back into the jeep and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I slowly pulled it out and found a message from Hannah's sister, Chloe. It was a photograph of me and Lacey, just a few moments ago, inside the gas station, me tossing Lacey the sweets as she smiled and underneath it was a message from Chloe:

'wherever you're going, wherever you think she is, whoever the fuck that is with you, I'm coming with you, Shawn. Don't you dare try and stop me.'

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