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I entered my hotel room and collapsed onto the bed. So much walking, I can't take it any longer. If my parents take me to one more tourist attraction, I'm gonna scream. All these stupid statues, places, and objects are only attracting one thing. My annoyance.

I grabbed my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and headphones from the bedside and plugged them in.

My intention was to listen to music, but my plans changed when my phone started to ring.

I sighed and harshly pull my headphones out of my phone, (I hate talking to people with them on) but then smiled when I saw Daniel's name pop up on the screen.

"Hey Seavey! What's poppin?" I said after answering the phone.

I heard him sigh sadly on the other end.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"No. I just really wanted to hear your voice. I don't know what to do anymore." He replied quietly.

"Hey, you can talk to me. What's going on?" After a couple seconds of depressing silence, he finally spoke again.

"Olivia, I have to go!"

"Wait-." Before I could finish my sentence, I heard the beep signalling that he hung up. He hung up on me. He NEVER hangs up, usually it's me who hangs up, never Daniel. And he called me Olivia. He hasn't called me by my actual name since we first met.

My heart started beating 10 times faster. What could be wrong. I quickly go through my contacts about to call Corbyn (he was the first of the boys on my contacts, because it goes in alphabetical order) when my phone rang again. I didn't even bother to look at the caller ID. I was just hoping it was Daniel. I answered it.

"Why'd you hang up on me?" I asked a bit too loud.

"What?" I heard a female voice say.

"Um...who is this?"

"Your mother?" She said, more like a question rather than an answer.

"Oh hi mum." I said disappointed.

"Well I feel loved, my own daughter disappointed her mother called." She said pretending to cry.

"I was expecting a call from a friends, Ma."

"Oh, and this friend hung up on you?"

"Yes, and it's none of your business."

"Honey, that sort of stuff is all of my business, because whenever we get into an argument, I can tease you for it." She explained laughing.

"What do you want Mum?"

"Could you get us dinner? Your father and I are tired from all the walking today." I could hear my father yell after my mum finished talking. "And hungry."

"Um...excuse me, but do you think I'm not tired, because I am. You guys dragged me all around LA today." I said frustrated. Who do they think they were to ask me to go get dinner for them.

"Oh honey, but we're old and have old bones that can easily break with the slightest movement." She complained. Here we go again. Every time my parents wanted me to do something and I say no, they play the 'old card'.


"No buts. I'll even give you extra money to buy whatever you want."


"Make it 18 and I'll get you guys drinks too."

In Australia $20 or $10 isn't a lot and you can hardly get anything unless your going to McDonalds or Hungry Jack*. But I learnt that in America its a descent amount of money.

"Fine." I smile, acknowledging that I won that fight. "But be back by 6."


She hangs up and I go into my closet. I'm too lazy to change out of my skinny jeans, so I just changed into a Everlasting shirt and a dark blue Brisbane hoodie from my suitcase. I should probably unpack, seeing as we're staying another 6 weeks. I love that hoodie because it's so warm. It kept me warm through winter in Australia and Washington, but here it's a lot warmer than both. But I still wear it.

After getting dressed I put on my black and white Nikes and grabbed my phone and room keys. I don't bother to fix my makeup because I'm way too tired.

I walked two doors down and knock on the door. Almost immediately it opens.

"Here." Mum said while handing over money that looked about $35.

"Um...aren't I allowed inside?" I asked my arms still out with the money in it.

"Nope, we're hungry. Now go." She said doing a shooing motion.

She shuts the door in my face and my mouth falls open. What grateful parents.

I put the money in the pocket at the front of the hoodie with my phone and walked over to the elevator at the end of the hallway, and press the lobby. It takes a while cause I'm on the 8th floor.

Just as I exited the hotel, and step out into the cold and busy world of Hollywood, I realised I don't know where any restaurants or takeout places are. Yes I've been here for a week, but I'm new to all this. I turned right and walked straight. I should at least get somewhere. I get my phone out and search up a place to go. I know you shouldn't walk while on your phone, but it'll only take a second. Little symbols started popping up on the screen. There was this restaurant called In And Out, it looked good, but it was a while away. There were a couple of McDonald's, subways, KFC's and other fast food diners. Suddenly, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said before looking up to see Daniels wet face, red puffy eyes and shaking, sweaty body.

Oh my gosh. Shock over takes me. I have never seen him like this. It hurt me so much. I threw myself at him and hug him wrapping my arms around his neck. After a while he wrapped his hands around my waist, dug his face into the crook of my neck and cried.
*Hungry jacks is a fast food restaurant in Australia and I'm not sure if there is any in America.

Another book, another fan fiction. Lol I'm so predictable. Well, I hope u enjoy it and comment if anyone loves Daniel Seavey or Why Don't We.



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