Chapter 16 I'm not the one standing in front of someone else's home

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hiiiiii another chapter wohoo!!!! :D dedicated to XXTheCrazyAuthorXX because she is just amazing as a internet buddy friend she is awesome check out her books and do stuff and read them and everything ahahaha <3 :3


Chapter 16


I’m not the one standing in front of someone else’s home

Sighing I look at the Social Studies classroom door, trying to think of an excuse for why I’m late to class. Because I don’t think that -“my brother took my pancakes and then I didn’t remember there was school.”- Is going to be acceptable.

 As I open the door to the classroom the bell rings through the hallway. I didn’t think I was that late! I look at my watch 9:20. What! It’s already second period? Then I realise that the halls are unusually quiet. Something is really wrong here…

I walk down the hallway quietly still nothing… well, this certainly feels like a horror movie.

I reach into my pocket to find my phone and turn it on waiting for the screen to light up I walk all the way out of the hallways.

Finally after the buzz I unlock my phone and see that it says Saturday 9:24am.


I am so going to kill my brother.


As I storm back into my house I head right into the lounge to find my brother stuffing himself with chips and coke and all the junk food in our house. Walking up to him I smack him as hard as I can on the head.

“You little… ARGH” I scream “Why did you take me to school today?”

“Well, you were the one saying you were late for class or something then I drove you to school, and also ate the rest of your pancakes.”

“You could’ve reminded me it was Saturday.” I sulk and sit down on the couch.

“Didn’t cross my mind.” He replies and hides a snicker.

“Yeah, yeah whatever you say.”

I stalk up to my room and turn on my laptop and browsed the web for a few minutes and then read for another few minutes, well it felt like a few minutes but when I looked at the clock it turns out it was 4:50pm, I sigh then stand up to stretch well it looks like I have to go to Jayden’s house now to do our project.

I gather some paper to write notes down, a camera and my phone obviously with my head phones.

Walking down the stairs while putting my headphones on I tell my mum that I’m going to Jayden’s house I walk out of the house.

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