Chapter 10

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Vera knocked on the heavy wooden door.

As their House wasn’t big on the different between staff and family, Lana opened the door.

“Vera!” Lana said in surprise and hugged her friend.

“Care for a walk?” Vera asked.

“Of course, just hold on a second.” Lana disappeared behind the door and when she re-emerged she started off at the brisk walk.

As they left the Houses and buildings behind and began to walk through the fields Vera planned how she would begin.

“You wish to say something, don’t you?” Lana noted. Vera took a breath.

“It will soon come to attention that the forsaken man who was our prisoner has escaped.”

“How do you know if it hasn’t been discovered yet… oh, you didn’t!”

“I let him go.” Vera confirmed.

“You can’t do that!” Lana squeaked.

“I had to. He returns to Valdor, and proves that he can walk behind our walls, then Valdor will realise what a powerful weapon he possesses.”

“Yes, but he was sent to catch you, and failed! And why would you give Valdor a weapon when he already holds much over us?”

“The failure of my escape will almost certainly be overshadowed by this, and he won’t be Valdor’s weapon. He’ll be mine.”

Lana’s face crinkled as she processed Vera’s words.

“So you released him in exchange for his allegiance?” She clarified.

“Something along those lines.” Vera agreed.

“Why tell me?” Lana asked.

“Because you are my closest friend, I trust you. And we, the Princesses of the Houses, will need to be united in the face of what is coming. We need to ready ourselves. This will not be a time of peace.”


Ban cursed when he heard that the forsaken man had escaped.

He should have been executed the minute he crossed the wall... He thought angrily.

There was a soft swish sound and Bane spun around to see Vera standing behind him.

“You’re not going outside again.” Bane commanded her.

“I wasn’t actually. I came to see you.” Vera hadn’t spoken to Bane since Markus’s burial.

“I’ve already heard about the escape.” Bane said.


“You stalled the Elders, he could have been dead long ago, but now he’s out there with Valdor.” He continued.

“You know as well as I, he gave us a chance to find out what happened to the forsaken.”

“Yes, and yet he remained alive until he got the chance to escape.”

“Bane!” Vera snapped sharply. “I didn’t come here to argue with you.”

“Then what did you come here for?”

“We know Dra-” Vera corrected herself “The forsaken prisoner infected the brook. Has anyone set guards to check the other points where we could have been contaminated?” Bane looked disappointed that she wanted to talk strategy but answered her anyway.

“No-one can get near our water now without being seen. Two guards take different routes each morning to escort a water cart to ensure we don’t waste the little we have left in here.” Bane gave her a small smile. “It’s taken care of, Princess.” Vera nodded and opened her mouth, then closed it again.


“I do not blame you for my father’s death Vera.”

“I brought him into the ward. He was pursuing me. I left without a guard-“

“Because you were trying to save your sister, time was limited. You did what you had to do and my father did his duty. Blame the hand that ended his life, not yourself” Bane soothed. He placed a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. “I’m glad you came to the burial,” He told her quietly.

“Thank you Bane” Vera kissed him on the cheek and walked away.


She needed time to herself. To think about what had happened in the past three weeks. She had made choices that had resulted in the death of two men. She had made a choice that might yet cost many more lives.

Sitting on a rock Vera closed her eyes and remembered Markus, Bane’s father. A memory bubbled to the surface from years ago…

It was a warm afternoon and the water bubbled crystal clear nearby. The trees swayed gently in the breeze and laughter carried in the air.

“Markus, why doesn’t anyone go outside the walls anymore?” Vera was playing with Bane. He’d beaten her at tree climbing and was boasting about seeing over the wall.

“Well Vera, a very long time ago, a man was very bad, and he did bad things that made him live longer than even the most carful Feline. But he was dark and twisted and led his people down the same path, so he was banished outside, never to return home.” Markus explained.

“But that was a reeeeeeeally long time ago. Why doesn’t anyone go outside now?” Vera whined.

“I suppose everyone still believes, in some part of their soul, that he achieved an ever greater lifespan. That what he boasted about was true. No-one wants to see him again so it is safer to stay within the walls.”

“Do you think that he is still living?” Vera breathed.

“I think that when one is as determined as he was, they don’t give up that easily. I believe you should be cautious about buried enemies.”

Vera was quiet for a moment. Bane became bored of the silence and tried to climb the tree again. But Vera wanted to hear more.

“What House was the bad man from?” She asked.

“He was from a House long since dishonoured. It doesn’t exist anymore. He was never truly of any House, either. He was simply a great power with a name.”

“What was his name?”

“You mustn’t tell anyone, otherwise I’ll get in trouble, understand?”

“Yes Markus.” Markus paused, and then leaned in to Vera. Bane jumped from the tree and came closer to hear.

“His name was Valdor.”

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