Chapter 25

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“Is Raven alright?”

“Where is she?”

“Just… Give me a minute,” Erika broke off to cough and regain her breath. They waited in anxious silence.

“Raven’s fine. She’s safe; for the moment. Bane caught us.” There were some small gasps. “He thinks I’m helping Valdor; that Raven’s a forsaken and that Valdor is trying to infiltrate us.” Erika explained.

“Did he follow you there?” Lana asked.

“No, at least I don’t think so. Raven knocked him out and we ran.”

“You just left him there?” Irene gasped.

“What else was I supposed to do?”

“We have to find him! We don’t know who he’ll go to first!” Irene cried. “You know where he was?”

“Yes, I can take you there.” Erika answered. They ran after her down the street and twisted through several small alleys before coming to a stop.

“I don’t see him.” Irene remarked.

“He was here! He must have come to!” Erika yelled in frustration.

“Hush!” Maya held up a hand and listened.

“Do you hear that?” Lana asked her.

“Someone’s running,” Vera said.

“Bane” Irene concluded. They bolted after the sound.

“It came from this direction!” Lana called out, running faster. They skidded to a stop in front of the carpenter’s House where Raven was staying.

“No. No, no, no!” Lana whispered. She rushed to the door before Irene could restrain her and flew inside. The others had no choice but to follow her. Inside Bane was opening every door, systematically searching the House. He didn’t even notice Lana’s presence, he was too preoccupied by the room he had just entered. Lana ran into the room. Raven had retreated to the back of the room, plastered against the wall; eyes wide with fear. Lana threw herself between them.

“Lana what are you doing?” Bane shouted, coming to a halt.

“Bane! Just listen for a minute!”

“You’re with her too?” He yelled. “I can’t believe this!” Just then the other Princesses burst through the door. They hastily joined Lana, forming a protective wall between Raven and Bane.

“All of you?” He gasped.

“This isn’t what you think!” Vera begged. “Please Bane! Just listen!” She stepped forward and met his angry stare. “We are on the same side. We’ve been trying to out thwart Valdor the whole time. Raven is the lost Heir, Princess to the House of Avian. Valdor doesn’t have blood ties to the Avian anymore! She’s proof of it, and he knows nothing of her. We’re going to destroy him by completing the ritual of the pendants before he gets the chance to take them from us. I let the forsaken prisoner go so that he could become a spy for us. We’ve been blocking Valdor’s moves for months using his information. He’s the one who brought Raven to us, and Sol confirmed that she has a claim to the Head of House. We’ve been working in secret because the Elders would never approve of our methods.” Vera stopped speaking and the silence could have smothered all of them.

“There are reasons why the Elders wouldn’t approve of this. It’s unbelievably risky, not to mention borderline treasonous letting a prisoner escape.” Bane protested. “What in hell were you thinking?” When he looked at Vera though, it wasn’t in anger. It was a mix of weariness and regret.

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