Chapter 26

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Sol and Bane were going to accompany them. Sol wasn’t an elder, but he still carried a lot of weight with them when he chose to, and he was on the Heirs’ side. Bane knew about their plans and would provide someone else who wasn’t an Heir to back them up. They also gathered all of the writings they’d found together, as further proof.

Finally, while they waited in the library, Maya retrieved the pendants. They hadn’t been moved since Vera had asked Maya to hide them. Raven already had hers, and for the first time in over a century all six would be together. Everything that had brought them to this point was gathered, all were present, except Drake.

Vera was waiting at the curtain for him. He was expecting to simply pass on anything he’d heard and leave; but Vera was going to bring him to the meeting. She’d ensure he wasn’t imprisoned again, but he was the only missing piece. He had to come.

He was right on time and Vera didn’t waste a second.

“We’re going somewhere. Follow me and keep quiet.” She commanded him. Without a word he shifted into his owl form and waited for her to lead the way. He followed her, high in the sky, above detection. When she stopped at the door to the central hall he hesitated.

Standing on the ground beside her in human form he whispered.

“What’s going on, Vera?”

“There’s a very important event tonight. You need to be here. Raven’s already inside.” Vera closed her lips in a tight line. That was all she’d say. He ran a hand through his hair. He didn’t like it, but if Raven was there he had to go.

They slipped in through the side door and she took his hand, leading him to the door of the library. The others emerged as they arrived.

“That’s the assassin?” Irene snorted.

“His name is Drake,” Vera said defensively. Raven’s eyes lit up when she saw her brother but she kept silent. Lana took the lead and the small party prepared to enter the meeting chamber. The Elders had already assembled. They had no clue what was going on.

“Just stay by my side, whatever happens,” Vera whispered to Drake. Maya appeared beside Vera and held her pendant out to her.

“Thank you,” Vera said as she slipped the heavy gold chain around her neck. She hadn’t even blinked at Drake’s proximity to it. She trusted him.

“Here we go!” Lana announced as she pushed the doors open and they filed inside.


The Elders were speechless. It was probably the first time that had ever happened. The group before them defied all that they could say. A man older even than themselves, an assassin from outside the wards, a stranger who stood with their unpromised heirs, a collection of ancient texts, there was no stranger image.

Lana stepped forward and took charge.

“Good evening, Elders of the Houses Ram, Boar, Equine, Feline and Dog. I am Princess Lana of the House of Equine and tonight we would propose to you a strategy to attack Valdor.” Lana paused to let her words sink in. The Elders had mixed expressions, but they remained silent. “This is Grandfather Sol, whom you know, and Master Bane, of the esteemed House of Dog. With them are the other Princesses. Princess Irene of the House of Boar, Princess Maya of the House of Dog, Princess Vera of the House of Feline, Princess Erika of the House of Ram and Princess Raven of the House of Avian.” Someone let out a strangled cry and several Elders jumped out of their seats.

“What mockery is this? There is no such House!”

“There is such a House. Grandfather Sol will testify to its validity. And she has proof.” Lana turned to Raven, and Raven stepped forward, every inch the regal heir. She’d been watching and learning the whole time. She pulled the golden pendant from around her neck and held it out to the Elders while she spoke.

“I am Princess Raven of the House of Avian; I have come to reclaim my title and my House.” The Elders uttered more startled cries and the other heirs stepped forward. They formed a united line. Each one’s pendant was clearly visible around their necks.

“As you know, the ancient pendants are impossible to forge or copy as they were formed with long-dead magic.” Maya spoke up. Raven let the pendant drop back around her neck. Sol came forward then and spoke of old times. He talked of forgotten pacts and long-lost promises. He remembered old magic and older bindings. He told the Elders basically that he had all the facts and their opinions could shove it. The Princesses loved every second of it.

Finally the Elders bowed their heads in acknowledgement. They accepted Raven as an heir and believed their story of the Avian resurface. Their appearance was not complete, however.

“How can you be the Head of House when there are none who will take the House as their own?” An Elder demanded. Drake had been silent so far, but at the Elder’s words he knew instinctively what to do.

“I pledge myself and my blood to the House of Avian. May it return stronger than before.” His voice was loud and clear. It echoed within the chamber. The Elders could protest no more. Raven had a House, even if it was only one.

“When we destroy Valdor, when the other forsaken know they have a choice, then they will pledge to her. They are not the same kin who were banished. They cower under Valdor because they believe they have no choice. We will give them one.” Vera said. Drake confirmed her words.

“That is true. I know if my people were given a choice many of them will choose Raven.” Raven cast a thankful glance to her brother. Now he had the Elders’ attention though, and they grilled him.

“How did a forsaken get through the wards?”

“They have truly failed us now!”

“Why hasn’t he been arrested?”

“Please!” Vera’s voice rang out in the room and silence answered her. “When Drake was arrested I helped him to escape in exchange for his inside information of Valdor. For months he has been helping us to prepare for and thwart Valdor’s attacks. Without him Valdor would surely have destroyed the wards by now. It was his warning that gave us a chance to prepare for Valdor’s attack on the outer curtain weeks ago. He brought the lost princess to us without Valdor’s knowledge. He has pledged himself to the House of Avian. He is not our enemy.” While Vera spoke the Elders’ expressions changed from horror to disbelief through to reluctant gratitude. If she spoke the truth, and none doubted that, then all the Houses owed a debt to Drake.

Vera didn’t doubt there would be talk about a punishment for her later; she’d committed an act of high treason after all, but for now there were more important things to discuss. Maya came forward with the book and the Elders were too awed at its preservation to chastise her for withholding it. They poured over it, marvelling at its faded pages. They listened to plans and Maya’s recounting of the ritual they hoped to perform. The night ticked by and soon there was only one thing left to say.

Irene stepped forward and didn’t waste words. “We need to perform this ritual; it will prevent Valdor from accessing a major power. We also need to destroy Valdor and his army once and for all. We have come here tonight to propose to do both simultaneously. We need to leave the wards, and we need to do it guarded. Why not take an army with us? We’ll be protected, be attacking Valdor and protect the original source of our magic.”

“We can’t risk all of you outside! Nor can we take Valdor on head first!” came the protest.

“We don’t have a choice. Valdor will crush us if we try to break him with slyness and stealth. This is our only chance.” Irene countered. Reluctantly the room came to an agreement. Meetings would be held to plan strategy and attacks. Commencing tomorrow, all five Houses would prepare for war.

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