Chapter Three - Old Friend

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Nightmare regretted everything. It was horrible. Telling him he could have anything, going out with him in the first place. It was all a huge mistake.

Why? It was simple. You see, Plush was now squirming to grab something on the top shelf, everyone looking at the weird little boy. Nightmare had only just found him. Nightmare hated attention, he had enough of it.

"Plush, please, I think you've got enough," Nightmare sighed and pulled him back, grabbing the coke he was so desperate to grab.

"Can you take me out to dinner?", Plush asked innocently, batting his eyelashes. Nightmare didn't play into it one bit.

"That's going to look weird-"

"Don't worry, we'll say that you're my dad!"

Nightmare's jaw dropped, "How old do you think I am?"

"About thirty-one," He lied, making Nightmare frown.

"I do not look thirty-one...", He mumbled, walking out of the aisle and to a till. Plush just shrugged, helping him unload the stuff.

"You do, old man," He smiled at him softly as Nightmare helped him put the stuff on the till. You would think he'd be happier and nicer- but no,

Nightmare let out a sigh as he unloaded the lot, "I'm not taking you for dinner," Nightmare hissed and waited for the women at the till to finish scanning the elderly couple's items in front.

"And why the hell not? Am I not pretty enough for you, your highness?", Plush hissed sarcastically, "Though you'd fuck my scar filled brother, wouldn't you? Fuck-"

"We're not dating," Nightmare rolled his eyes.

"Of course not, e-"

"Ew!", He mocked, walking to the front of the till and glanced at the women with blonde hair and a red eye; the other eye was covered with hair. She wore one of the shop's jackets as it seemed to be their uniform.

"I'm hungry, just take me out for a takeaway or something. Remember, if you're good to me, the word gets back to Spring," Plush grinned, "And who's he going to believe? Me, his loyal, faithful brother...Or you. A man who's too tall for his own good and always wears the expression of the bad guy from the movie."

"I'm- Just shut up for a minute?", He frowned.

Plush got a better look at the women. He could've sworn that he knew her...From somewhere he couldn't put his finger on, "Do I know you?", He frowned and leant over the counter.

"I don't think so?", She shrugged, she didn't seem much of a talker. Nightmare shrugged and nodded, packing the bags quickly, listening to the two talk.

"I'm sure I know you."

"I'm sure you don't."

"You had a weird name. Something like Shakira," Plush pouted and stared at her.

"Chekea," She replied, pointing to her badge, "Where do you know me from?", She asked, scanning the items as she pulled back the hair that covered her glowing red eye.

That's when it came to him.

"That's it! You were a bartender at that club!", Plush remembered, "C'mon, remember me at least! It's Plush!"

Her face lit all of a sudden, finally getting a good look at the small boy, "How could I forget! Little rave monkey!"

Nightmare gave himself a puzzled look at Plush's nickname but he decided to shrug it off. Plush leant over the counter and grinned.

"Bitch, how dare you forget me!"

"You forgot me first!"

The two laughed loudly, still packing up all the food and scanning even more. Thanks to Plush, they had a long time to take since he pretty much bought the whole store.

"Who's this then, huh?", She asked, gesturing at Nightmare as if he wasn't there.

"Pfft, my dad," He joked and stared up and down at Nightmare. Nightmare just rolled his eyes and bit his lip softly.

"Ah, c'mon, even for you that's not nice," He laughed softly, "C'mon, who is he?"

"You can ask me that yourself," Nightmare hissed bluntly, making Chekea scrunch up her nose, "Oh, come now, sweetheart. Don't give me that look. You gave Plush the same look a few minutes ago and I can't make a little comment without you getting hurt?"

"Oh my god, shut up," Plush whined, trying to cover his mouth but he was too tall to reach.

"No, no. It's fine," She grinned and eyed Nightmare, "I like him."

"I bet you do," He replied in a monotone voice.

"He's basically my sugar daddy for the day," Plush smiled and stared at her sweetly. Nightmare snorted and flipped him off.

"Like fuck I am. I am your babysitter because you're as independent as a one-year-old," The man frowned at the child.

Chekea scoffed as Plush flipped him off, "Oi, fuck off. I'm independent. At least I have people skills. You, however, have the same amount of people skills as my father."

"I don't get it."

"He's dead."

"Ah," Nightmare nodded softly, "Thank you."

Plush rolled his eyes, "Was NOT a compliment," He huffed and stared Chekea. She finished scanning and held out her hand after pointing to the screen showing "£259.58".

"Jesus," Nightmare gasped and gave money to the woman who grinned and shoved it in her box.

"Thanks, come again!", She smiled as the two left, Plush carrying a tiny bag and Nightmare carrying five large ones. He could feel the plastic slice through his fingers but ignored it, after all, he did have a high tolerance for pain.

Once they reached the car, Nightmare threw the bags in and got in the car with Plush, hurrying back, by the time they got back, the door was open. Plush gasped and rushed in, "Springy!"

"Plush?", He turned around and saw the two, smiling at them with that delicate look that made Nightmare nearly trip over his feet.

"Hi," Nightmare greeted, "We just went out shopping."

"Oh, good, hope he wasn't too much trouble," Spring hoped, making Nightmare shrug and Plush just shrugged with him. Spring watched the two and shrugged after them, "What did you get?"

"Not much," Plush replied.

"I'll go and get the bags," Nightmare told him as he left to the car, grabbing all the bags. Once Spring saw him step inside, he glared at Plush, knowing him.

"You seriously didn't need to do that, Night," Spring told him, staring at all the bags. Plush scurried over like a hungry squirrel, grabbing some chocolate and eating it.

"I don't mind, it keeps the kid happy."

"I'm not a kid!"

Spring and Nightmare chuckled in unison. Nightmare looked over at Spring and gave him a smile, a kind, genuine smile that wasn't shot at anyone else.

"Just kiss already, ew."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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