And from that point onwards everything that happened had a different meaning. When Bellamy's hand trailed from the slope of Clarke's back down to the depths of it, that meant 'I have a lust for you'. When Bellamy's hand stroked her back down to her ass, that meant 'I want you'. When Bellamy squeezed Clarke's butt, that meant 'You're mine'. And when Clarke tugged at Bellamy's soft curly tufts of mocha brown hair, that meant 'I want more'...
Despite Bellamy and Clarke being completely isolated in the woods outside the log cabin, they still wanted to carry on inside. So, Clarke climbed off Bellamy so he could get up, and as he stood up he picked her up bridal style. She began to giggle softly at the gesture. As he walked her into the cabin Clarke glanced at his perfectly carved jawline; it was slick and cut sharply. Everything about him was idyllic.
Clarke noticed he wasn't taking her to the bedroom, he was instead taking them to the kitchen, where he stood Clarke up. He then quickly lifted her up and grabbed both her ass cheeks to do so. She wrapped her legs around his torso, and they instantly began kissing again. He then placed her on the counter top, and slammed her against the wall. Their tongues tied together and Bellamy began to slip his hand under Clarke's shirt. He placed his hand on her right hip as his left hand was cupping the back of her head. He then slowly moved his hand up her torso. Her chest was warm and her body tingled at his touch. He then slipped his hand under her bra to feel her warm breasts. He squeezed them gently and she whimpered in pleasure.Bellamy was getting tired of seeing Clarke fully dressed. He lifted her shirt up and over her shoulders revealing her upper half in only a lacy burgundy bra. "Fuck." Bellamy let out. He stared at her boobs and could feel his already stiff dick getting even harder. "Clarke—you're flawless."
"No time for compliments, Bellamy. We have a problem. Your shirt is still on. Take it off." She commanded. Bellamy loved it when Clarke used imperatives. He yanked his shirt off revealing his sculpted upper half. Now it was Clarke's time to compliment Bellamy. But instead of talking, she complimented him with her eyes. Her eyes gave out a look of hunger and yearning. She wanted him...To be continued...
IM GONNA DRAG THE SEX OUT OVER THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS JUST TO ANNOY YOU GUYS!! Also please leave comments if you like this so far and don't forget to vote for me! :)

You're My Universe
ФанфикA short Bellarke fanfiction basing around the idea of heart-felt Bellarke moments and Bellarke fireplace sex. Inspiration: the song "Moonlight in Atlanta" by Russ. Songs I listened to whilst writing this that are cute, and I highly recommend you li...