Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Joey Graceffa

Author's Note: Song I listened while writing this was Bastille - Pompeii. (Song is on the side if your on a computer)

Joey took his time to get up this morning. His head hurt, his body ached, over all. He was sick. He walked down to the kitchen and looked at the time. 12:37PM Joey groaned softly and looked over at the living room. 

"Tyler! What the hell?!" Sawyer exclaimed loudly, laughing. Joey stared at the back of their heads for a few moments before walking around in the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out the last egg then dropped the egg. Tyler and Sawyer looked behind them, seeing the sick Joey. Joey slowly dropped to floor and started coughing. Tyler and Sawyer stood up quickly, looking at each other.

"I've got Joey, go get some medicine." Tyler said, rushing into the kitchen. "Joey, babe? Are you okay?" Tyler knelt next to Joey and rubbed the coughing Joey's back. Joey looked at Tyler and smiled weakly as his coughing died down.

"Thanks, Ty.." He whispered as he hugged his lavender haired friend. Tyler held the sick boy close to him and grinned. Sawyer came into the kitchen and smiled at the scene. "You two are cute!" He squealed out. 

The hugging boys let go of each other and sat in silence. Sawyer chuckled softly, throwing the bottle of cough medicine at Joey. As he started to walk away he called out,"I ship it."

Joey stood up and started walking back to his room. "I'll be up in a minute." Tyler said, as he walked out to Sawyer. Sawyer stared at Tyler, smirking. "Does someone fancy my roommate?" Tyler blushed lightly,"Fuck you Soy-Sause." 

Tyler walked away as Sawyer stared laughing. Tyler looked up the stairs and saw Joey had only, just made it to the top. 

-Tyler's POV-

I ran up to Joey and wrapped my arm around his waist. "Are you okay, JoJo?" I asked. All Joey did was groan as we made a slowly and quiet walk to his room. He walked to the bed, without my help, and laid down. "Come-Come cuddle with me?" He looked up at me with a small smile. 

I walked to the end of the bed and crawled up to him, laying to his left. His arms wrapped around my small body and he fell asleep almost instantly. I watched him sleep, relising how cute he was. His face looked so drained from being ill. I moved up a bit and kissed his forehead. "Sleep well cutie," I moved back to my orignal position before falling asleep in his arms. 

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