Chapter 6: What are you?

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It had been months from the wedding and I was going to be a mom. Scott was so excited to be a dad. Scott would take such good care of me. He wouldn't let me do anything that could be dangerous to me or the baby. Stiles and Derek would come and visit to check up on us. Whenever Derek would come over he would ask me the same thing as always.

" Have you gotten the feeling yet."

What he meant about the feeling is that if I had gotten the feeling of what my baby is going to be when it's born.

" No, I've just gotten the normal things like kicking."

" Ok, I'm just telling you that you should be prepared for the feeling because it is going to be a pain that you had never had before."

The first time Derek said that to me it made me nervous but then I was just prepared for the pain. The sad thing is that Scott doesn't know about this. I can never tell him that the pain is going to determine if the baby is going to be evil or good and that it will determine what the baby is going to be. Everyday I hoped for the pain to come just determine what the baby is going to be. Scott and I went to the doctor to see how the baby was doing.

" I believe that you can now see what the baby's gender is by now" said Scott's mom.

I got so excited because we could see if it's going to be a boy or a girl.

" Do you want to know what the baby is Scott."

" Yeah."

Melissa started to move around the thing that helps see the baby in the screen. It was a boy. Scott and I are going to have our little baby boy that might be evil. When we left the hospital Scott and I went to the store to buy the baby some clothes for when he's born. I had gone to the bathroom when I felt this sharp pain in my stomach. It felt as if someone was stabbing me. Then I felt like if someone was kicking or punching me at the same time. I tried to howl Scott for help but I remembered that he can't find out about the baby until after I have him.

I got my phone and called Derek.

" Derek, I got the pain... Ahhhhhhh. Pleaseee.. Ahh... Hurry."

Derek got there in a flash of an eye.

" Ok ok, so tell me what do you feel."

" Stabbing, kicking and punching."

The expression on Derek's face sort of confused me.

" What, what does it mean?"

" Your baby is going to protect you but it will hurt you at the same time."

I didn't know what to think. Was I glad that it wasn't fully evil or was I upset that it was half evil.

" But you can change it. You just have to make sure that he doesn't meet evil."

I didn't know what he meant by "Meeting Evil" but I was going to make sure that he never comes face to face with evil.

Derek helped me up and left. I saw that Scott was picking out toys for our baby. I started thinking to myself that Scott is going to be such a great father. I walked toward to him as if nothing happened.

" Hey love, what happened. You were in there for a while."

" I had to take a long pee."

Scott laughed and blushed. We payed and went home. I wanted to tell Scott what happened to me at the store but I couldn't. Scott always looked at me in a loving way and sometimes I couldn't do the same to him because I couldn't tell him about our child. Days passed and the day to deliver the baby was getting closer. I was getting contractions and feeling sharp pains.

The day had come and Scott and I rushed to the hospital. Melissa was so excited to see her grandchild. It was a Friday and it was 3:27am when I heard my baby boy first cry. He looked just like Scott. I remember the excitement in Scotts face. I don't remember who else was there with us when I gave birth but I do remember that Stiles was there and he fainted when the baby came out. When Stiles went to sleep in the couch I decided to tell Scott.

" Scott, I need to tell you something about our baby"

" What, is he not mine?"

" No no it's not that. Derek told me that when the baby was developing I would have a sharp pain that would determine if the baby would be evil or good. When we went to go buy the baby clothes I got this sharp pain and Derek told me that the baby would be good but it will also hurt us."

" Listen, I won't let our baby hurt us. I'll train him to be good. Besides he is a baby werewolf and banshee."

I was relieved that Scott wasn't mad. The doctor had released me and we went home. Scott and I started showing the baby around the house. Scott decorated the baby's room so beautifully. There were cute little baby werewolf's and banshee's. The room's colors were purple and red. Purple for me and red for Scott to show how strong our baby is going to be.

Stiles came over and asked us what we named the baby.

" We both decided to name him Stiles!!!"

Stiles face was shocked with excitement.

" Wait why name him after me, not that I have a problem with it but, huh."

" Stiles, you were there when we had our problems and we just wanted to thank you by having your generation live on."

" Awww, well thank you, can I carry me." Stiles said.

Stiles was such a great friend. He was always there when me and Scott had our little problems. He was mostly there when I was about to die.

Allison and Isaac, Lydia and Ethan came over and so did Derek. They were all in love with the baby. Derek pulled me over to the kitchen.

" Now that the baby is born his eyes are going to be changing color. It might be red, purple, green pink any color depending on what he is going to be."

" What do you mean, he's part werewolf and banshee... right."

" Yeah, he'll always be that but he is also going to be something else. It all depends on who really is."

Derek left me so nervous. What is my baby going to be. I wanted to tell Scott but I wanted to wait when everyone left.

When Scott was in the living room I decided to go and tell him what Derek told me.

" Hey, I need to tell you something important."

" What?"

" Derek told me that our baby is going to be something else than a werewolf and banshee."

When I was about to tell Scott about the baby we heard the baby cry. When we got to the room we saw that the baby's face was changing. He was blue and had long fangs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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