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Rose's POV

"Daehwi, why would you call me?"
"I told you that I'm bored, so I decided to."
"You're weird. But fine, what do you want to talk about?"
"How was your day so far?"

We talked for solid 2 hours on the phone before he had to go somewhere.

His voice was so cute, not too high-pitched but also not too low. I could listen to his voice forever. He also told me, that he loves to sing, I bet his singing voice is heavenly.

I decided to make myself something to eat before I heard a knock on my door.

"I didn't invite anyone tho..." I muttered and went to open the door.

"ROSE!" Jihoon screamed right into my face, with his bright smile plastered on his face.

"Do you really have to scream like that?" I said annoyed. But once I saw him smile, I had to smile myself.

I've known Jihoon since we were kids, tho he is 2 and a half years older than me. Our parents were also very good, so we got see each other often.

"I'm coming in, thank you." He grinned and walked in.

We both sat on the couch, talking and laughing for hours, when suddenly Jihoon's phone rings.

"Hello?" Jihoon answered while trying to keep me from tickling him. "Daehwi?" I stopped in my tracks and sat back down. I looked at him, while he was raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah, I get it. We'll talk later about it, okay?" They said their goodbyes and he threw his phone on the floor. He let out a huge sigh before looking at me.

"What?" He asked laughing. "Did something happen?" I asked worried. "Oh my god, you sound so worried." He tried to hide his laughter.

"No, nothing happened, it's all good." He said happily. "Good." I grinned. He stayed for another hour before he had to leave.

I decided to take a shower because I needed to anyway. I went into the bathroom and stepped into the shower.

20 minutes later, I was laying in my bed watching YouTube videos, when suddenly I got a message from the groupchat.

1 new message from 'weirdos'

youngpa: guys im bored

rosie: same here bro




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