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ooOOOOOoooOooOooO hello there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) SO basically im having a writer block rn (also would u look at that cute bunny right there, im so soft for this boy, i lOOoOooOoOOve him so much, my literal son tf ANYWAY back to what i was saying) for this story so im sorry if the updates are slooooOoOwer than usual hehe

THE THING IS i have so many ideas for other daehwi+bnm boys stories im so jsjsjsjj

im so tempted to start this one idea, i always had in my head but never did, hence why i started this book

i had that idea way before i came up with the idea for this book bUT i was too scared to do the other one bc what if it's lame yknow (even if this book is lame too, buT thaTs nOt thE PoiNt riGhT nOw)

yh anyway, i already have a draft saved for the book, it's called 'flower boy' im so hhhhh

so yEAH idk, thank u for giving this book attention heh anyway BYE i love the bnm boys loads

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