Card Tricks

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I am sorry if part of my story does not load. I am having some difficulties getting wattpad to work correctly on my phone.

Sitting down in Second hour I notice that I was the first one in Environmental. Like usual I just put my head down. I worked an extra thirty minuets last night so I was really tired.

Coach Reed comes in and the class goes silent. I never really know why all we do is work from the book while he messes around on his phone. He's kinda weird i guess.

He tells us our assignment and I just look up from my desk. My Best friend Ally's brother sits Infront of me. Every one thinks we have a 'thing' but honestly he is way to awkward for me to like. I kinda liked this other guy but we had never really met. He was just on a few of my classes and always sat across the room.

I shake my head and smile to myself when i see he has this Rubic cube and is showing off to the girl infront of him. He would never like me.

The bell rings and i go to my next class. We almost never do anything in Mr.O's. He is to gay to think straight. I guess it would make sense because he is the school Drama and theater teacher. Cliche i know.

I sit in the very back next to the girl that Ethan was showing off to last hour. He is in this class too but sits a row over and a few tables up. I sigh when the tardy bell rings and Bella loudly slams her backpack on the floor and sits down in the metal seat

"Hey Ethan," she whisper shouts in the already slightly buzzing classroom "show me the rubic cube pattern again".

I can almost feel the hormones coming off of her as Ethan walks over and starts slowly holding her hands against the cube showing her some pattern that i couldn't understand.

I look away because she annoyed me and I didn't like seeing him like that with her. 'Can you guys just get a room?' I think to myself. I didn't realize that I had said it out-loud until Bella scoffed and turned to me.

"Your just jealous because I have a hot guy all over me" she said to me not caring what Ethan thought about her.

"Yea," I say looking down "but, at least I wasn't a lesbian at one point" I retorted and got up grabbing my bag. I walked out of the class knowing that Mr.O wouldn't care because im one of his favorite students and he wasn't even there to begin with.

In the hall way I walked just past the theater posters and slid down the wall. With a loud squeak from my shoes I slid down into a seated position with my knees against to my chest. After a few seconds I realize that there were tears falling down my face and i didn't know why.

I tried to use the palm of my hand to stop the flow but I just ended up pushing to hard against my eye making everything go blurry.

"Hey, Lena," I hear a someone softly speak my name "are you alright?" I stop for a moment and let my eyes adjust to the darkened hallway.

Looking up I see Ethan kneeling beside me. "Go away" I say as the bell rings for fourth hour. Another class I have with mr. Perfect.

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