The SEVEN of Hearts

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I get up and pass Ethan so I can get to class and maybe put my head down. 'I can just tell Mrs, Julie that I have a headache' i think to myself.

I walk to the door of my fourth hour and there is a note on the door that says 'track meet today 1,2,3+4 hours repot to the gym' I sigh as I turn around and see Dalton in the hall behind me.

"Hey, Door says go to the gym again" I tell him and he nods as we start walking.

The gym always had some guys playing basketball and some girls fawning over them. I wasn't to much of a fan of the guys who liked to show off their bodies with no shirts on. Guys who play sports always smelled the worst when sweating in my opinion.

We found a spot on the floor and sat down. I sit in the same position I was in a few minuets ago when I was in the hall way.

I close my eyes and try to relax but I hear the same voice from earlier. Ethan.

"Hey Dalton," he says smiling "mind if I sit with yall".

Im my mind im thinking 'why wont he go away? He is just taunting me. I know he will never like me.'

I pick up my head when Dalton starts laughing loudly making me jump. "Wow dude you have got to show me that" he exclaimed loudly.

Being as confused as i was i watched as Ethan pulled a deck of cards out and starts shuffling them. 'This boy just keeps surprising me'.

The trick was simple and I figured it out easily. He used one of his hands to cover the top of the deck while his other hand slid the card from the bottom to the top.

I realize that he was shaking while doing his tricks. I had a sudden urge to ask what was wrong.

"Hey are you alright?" I ask him quietly, not knowing if he had even heard me.

When he slowly turns around he smiles. "Yeah," his smile was gorgeous "I'm perfectly fine". I see the smirk on his face when i look up at him.

My eyebrows furrow as i look up at him confused. "Then why are you shaking?" I ask him.

His smirk falters and he shrugs before returning his face back to normal. "I guess i drank to much coffee" he tries to laugh it off.

I just sigh and let it go because it wasn't my problem.

I look up when I see a card next to my face. Ethan is holding a seven of hearts up and smiles. I"s this your card" he says goofily like a triumphant french man in those old movies.

I smile "no," and take a card from the top of the deck in his hand. I stuck the card to my forehead and smiled. "Guess the card!"

He starts laughing and so does Dalton. "It is the seven of hearts" he smirks.

frowning I say "no that's the card in your hand."

He smiles his beautifully perfect smile "no it is the seven of hearts" he laughed.

I was slightly surprised when he takes the card gently off my forehead and shows me what it was.

The seven of hearts.

I look up at him shocked. "Will you enter the talent show with me?" I didn't even have to think about it. As soon as I saw that I knew he would win. Seven was my lucky number.

He looks at me confused. "With you? I cant even do that many tricks."

I smile "not with me. Im going to sing and you have to do your card tricks"

Ethan smiles and thinks for a moment "I don't know"

"Well why don't you think about it for a while. You still have a few weeks before the forms are due." I smile to myself knowing that he thinks he wasn't good enough when to me he was perfect.

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