Finding Hades

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"Persephone?" Hades asked, grabbing my arm.

"She's really worried about you." I caught him up on where we were and everything that had happened since the night Tantalus had drugged me on the island. "We think we put together a timeline of what happened," I explained, finishing up. "But the only thing we never figured out was how Tantalus ended up back on the ship, and what happened to you."

Hades splayed his hands. "I wish I could tell you, but I don't know. Last thing I remember, I was taking Tantalus off Persephone's hands in the Underworld. She ported away and then I woke up here. Everything in between is just..." He waved a hand over his head. "Gone. I don't think I've been conscious since."

I frowned. Hades wouldn't have turned his back on Tantalus until he was sure he was secure. And Tantalus still shouldn't have had the ability to 'port onto a moving ship. We were missing something here. An important piece. But ?

Figure it out later. We had more pressing matters to attend to now

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